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Key Points. Social Security benefits are based on your earning history. Your age when you claim benefits impacts whether you receive your standard benefit or whether it is reduced or increased.
(This Bankrate calculator can help estimate your Social Security check.) How to earn Social Security credits In order to qualify for Social Security benefits, you need to accrue 40 credits, if you ...
Know, though, that the average benefit for those aged 70 was $1,963 as of December 2022, as per the most recent data provided by the Social Security Administration. That's about $23,500 per year ...
One thing soon-to-be retirees need to start looking at carefully is where they fall in terms of Social Security benefits. Whether you start taking withdrawals at 62, 67, or 70, it’s important to ...
For example, if you are eligible to collect a reduced $900 benefit at age 62 plus 1 month, and your benefit would increase to $1,251 at age 65 and 10 months, your estimated break-even age is 75 ...
If you're thinking you might retire in your mid-60s and you're wondering what Social Security benefits might look like then, as of the end of 2023, the average benefit for a 65-year-old was $1,563 ...
Claiming Social Security at 62 would reduce your monthly PIA by 30%; delaying benefits until 70 would increase it by roughly 24% (assuming your full retirement age is 67).
The age you file for Social Security is perhaps the most important decision affecting your benefit amount. You can begin taking benefits as early as 62, but waiting up to age 70 will earn you ...