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Theologians today generally see Hell as the logical consequence of rejecting union with God and with God's justice and mercy. [1] Different Hebrew and Greek words are translated as "Hell" in most English-language Bibles. These words include: "Sheol" in the Hebrew Bible, and "Hades" in the New Testament.
The Greek words used for those Bibles written in Greek, came loaded with ideas not in line with the original Hebrew, but since at the time, Greek was used as basically English is used today to communicate between people across the world, it was translated into these Greek words, and giving an incorrect understanding of the penalty of sin.
The 16th century Tyndale and later translators had access to the Greek, but Tyndale translated both Gehenna and Hades as same English word, Hell. The 17th century King James Version of the Bible is the only English translation in modern use to translate Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna by calling them all "Hell."
But the Greek word we translate “astound” is ekplēssō, which means “to strike one out of self-possession; to cast off by a blow, to drive out,” so perhaps no one was patting Jesus on the ...
Hell as depicted by Gustav Doré (1866). Hell in Catholicism is the "state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed" [1] which occurs by the refusal to repent of mortal sin before one's death, since mortal sin deprives one of sanctifying grace.
This was the first meaning given in the apostolic preaching to Christ's descent into Hell: that Jesus, like all men, experienced death and in his soul joined the others in the realm of the dead." It adds: "But he descended there as Saviour, proclaiming the Good News to the spirits imprisoned there." It does not use the word Limbo. [4]
The Fallen Angel (1847) by Alexandre Cabanel. The most common meaning for Lucifer in English is as a name for the Devil in Christian theology.He appeared in the King James Version of the Bible in Isaiah [1] and before that in the Vulgate (the late-4th-century Latin translation of the Bible), [2] not as the name of a devil but as the Latin word lucifer (uncapitalized), [3] [4] meaning "the ...
The English word hell does not appear in the Greek New Testament; instead one of three words is used: the Greek words Tartarus or Hades, or the Hebrew word Gehinnom. In the Septuagint and New Testament, the authors used the Greek term Hades for the Hebrew Sheol, but often with Jewish rather than Greek concepts in mind.