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  2. Education in Indonesia - Wikipedia


    They were called Sekolah Rakjat (lit. folk school), the embryo of what is called Sekolah Dasar (lit. elementary school) today. [2] In 1871 the Dutch parliament adopted a new education law that sought to uniform the highly scattered and diversified indigenous education systems across the archipelago, and expand the number of teacher training ...

  3. Suyanto - Wikipedia


    (in Indonesian) Dirjen Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Serahkan Dana Darurat Rehabilitasi Sekolah Korban Merapi, Slemankab.go.id (in Indonesian) Arah Kebijakan Pendidikan Indonesia pada Era MEA, Fe.uny.ac.id (in Indonesian) Penyelenggaraan Sekolah Pasca Berlakunya UU Badan Hukum Pendidikan, Dikdas.kemdikbud.go.id

  4. School uniforms by country - Wikipedia


    Others prefer to wear the school's logo as a lapel or breast plastic or metal pin. The emblem of OSIS (Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah), or School's Intern Student Organization, is put on the shirt's left pocket. Students' names are usually on the right side of the shirt and embedded by sewing, ironing or as a detachable badge.

  5. Indonesian language - Wikipedia


    Karena semua dibiayai menggunakan dana negara jutaan rupiah, baginda maharaja bijaksana, sang mahaguru sastra bahasa Kawi, mahasiswa-mahasiswi perguruan swasta, duta-duta negeri mitra dan suami/istrinya, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, karyawan-karyawati perusahaan ketenaga kerjaan, bupati budiman, beserta anggota lembaga nirlaba kewanitaan ...

  6. State Islamic University of North Sumatera - Wikipedia


    Located in Jalan Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate 20371. Campus II is the administrative center of State Islamic University of North Sumatra (UINSU). [2] In the location of campus II there are faculties, they are Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences, Faculty of Syari'a and Law, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Da'wa and Communication Science, Faculty of Islamic ...

  7. Gunungsitoli - Wikipedia


    The city's main public hospital is Dr. M. Thomsen Regional Hospital, which is named after a Christian missionary and doctor who operated in the region during the colonial era. Previously, it was named Gunungsitoli Regional Hospital. The hospital is operated by the Nias Regency government because the city was previously part of that regency.

  8. Public holidays in Indonesia - Wikipedia


    Birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara, founder of Taman Siswa and first Minister of Education during the Presidential Cabinet: 11 May: Day of the Military Police of the Indonesian National Armed Forces: Hari POM TNI [1] 17 May: National Book Day: Hari Buku Nasional: 2002: Anniversary of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. [18] 20 May ...

  9. COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia - Wikipedia


    The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).