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The drill size chart below contains imperial and metric drill bit diameter measurements for all number and letter gauges.
The drill size chart below gives fractional sizes and their metric conversions up to 1 inch. These specialist drill bits are used for drilling centreholes at two different angles, 60 degrees and90 degrees. They are commonly used to drill lathe centres and spotting drills, i.e.marking holes to guide twist drilling.
TAP DRILL CHART PHONE: 1-800-558-2808 FAX: 1-800-553-8769 WEB: Imperial has made a concerted effort to provide accurate information in its catalog and on its website, however Imperial assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information. All information published by Imperial in its catalogs, marketing ...
DRILL SIZE CHART 0.2087 TO 1.0000 INCH RANGE Size in Size Designation inches Size Designation 7.2 mm 0.2835 9.40 mm 7.25 mm 0.2854 9.5 mm 7.3 mm 0.2874 3/8 inch Letter L 0.2900 Letter V 7.40 mm 0.2913 9.60 mm Letter M 0.2950 9.70 mm 7.50 mm 0.2953 9.75 mm 19/64 inch 0.2969 9.80 mm 7.60 mm 0.2992 Letter w Letter N 0.3020 9.90 mm
C R V -- ! TRIANGLE FASTENER CORPORATION 800.486.1832 www..m MD176.0423 DECIMAL EQUIVALENT (inch) for Fractional, Number, Letter & Metric Bits
FRACTIONAL SIZES WIRE GAUGE SIZES LETTER SIZES 511 Main Street ¥ P.O. Box 125 Casco, WI 54205-0125 USA PH: 920-837-2526 FAX: 920-837-2530 ¥ DRILL SIZE CONVERSION CHART
Drill Sizes and Conversions Drill Sizes Conversions Numbers & Letters Fractional Metric Inch mm 1.01 0.0398 1.010 60 0.0400 1.016 1.02 0.0402 1.020