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The new wave of "anti seed oil" dialog has largely been fueled by Joe Rogan, who had a three hour conversation with "Carnivore MD" Paul Saladino, a largely disreputable "keto guru" who believes humans are naturally carnivorous and that we should stick to an all-meat diet. One of Saladino's cohorts, Cate Shanahan, is another major supporter of ...
Nobody would naturally consume the amount of seeds these oils are made from. To my knowledge, the harm is in the imbalance of omega 3 and omega 6 levels that is exacerbated by seed oils. Plus, omega 6 from a biological perspective is considered the “bad” one. Reply reply. luckllama.
The (lately) negative view of seed oils could be due to how abundant it is in highly processed food, which increases the palatability and shelf life of said processed foods. But this doesn’t mean the fat is unhealthy per se. Too much seed oil fats is unhealthy if over-consumed, as it would lead to weight gain.
Olive and avocado oils are great nutritionally and are utilitarian. Other seeds like linseed, cottonseed or rapeseed have various detractors due to thinks like rate of oxidation (going rancid), processing necessary to remove toxic compounds or how it affects digestion/gut health... 4. Award. CowboyMoses.
When exposed to heat, light, and chemical inputs, as is typical in restaurants and food processing plants, seed oils become toxic to the human body. Overheated and oxidized seed oils, produce trans-fats and lipid peroxides as byproducts. Reply reply. daybreakin.
I fully agree and find it unfortunate how we will get downvoted. Seed oils are highly processed and in many foods known to be unhealthy. They are especially unhealthy at high smoke points. They are also a byproduct food corporation need a use for. What better use than lobbying as a cheap, healthy alternative to traditional cooking oils/fats?
There are claims and science studies that point to how seed oils can improve LDL Cholesterol, and lower heart disease risk. However, I'd say the issue with seed oils is that they're highly refined and processed, they're cheap to produce and our consumption has drastically increased since the 1990s.
One common excuse is omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in certain seed oils such as corn oil or soybean oil. Scientists do think that there exists an ideal omega-3-to-omega-6 ratio, with an excessive skew towards omega 6 relative to omega 3 being bad. Simultaneously, omega 6 fatty acids have not been show to be bad for you alone, and they're ...
Very bad for our cell membranes etc. Seed oils are often heavily processed as well and this leads to more harmful by products. Interestingly, seed oils used to be industrial waste until they were heavily marketed sometime starting after roughly 1950s. They are also easily oxidised, within days of bottling.
Seed oils are high in omega 6, which influences our tissue composition and the claim is that over time, this shifts healthy physiology toward inflammatory pathophysiology. They oxidize into Malondialdehyde. Which causes ALDH to shut off. This overtime damages your liver. Which ruins your health.