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The time–temperature shift factor can also be described in terms of the activation energy (E a). By plotting the shift factor a T versus the reciprocal of temperature (in K), the slope of the curve can be interpreted as E a /k, where k is the Boltzmann constant = 8.64x10 −5 eV/K and the activation energy is expressed in terms of eV.
The equation can be used to fit (regress) discrete values of the shift factor a T vs. temperature. Here, values of shift factor a T are obtained by horizontal shift log(a T ) of creep compliance data plotted vs. time or frequency in double logarithmic scale so that a data set obtained experimentally at temperature T superposes with the data set ...
Precision tests of QED have been performed in low-energy atomic physics experiments, high-energy collider experiments, and condensed matter systems. The value of α is obtained in each of these experiments by fitting an experimental measurement to a theoretical expression (including higher-order radiative corrections) that includes α as a parameter.
First-year physics textbooks almost invariably analyze Doppler shift for sound in terms of Newtonian kinematics, while analyzing Doppler shift for light and electromagnetic phenomena in terms of relativistic kinematics. This gives the false impression that acoustic phenomena require a different analysis than light and radio waves.
The density of states related to volume V and N countable energy levels is defined as: = = (()). Because the smallest allowed change of momentum for a particle in a box of dimension and length is () = (/), the volume-related density of states for continuous energy levels is obtained in the limit as ():= (()), Here, is the spatial dimension of the considered system and the wave vector.
For any complex number written in polar form (such as r e iθ), the phase factor is the complex exponential (e iθ), where the variable θ is the phase of a wave or other periodic function. The phase factor is a unit complex number , i.e. a complex number of absolute value 1 .
On the other hand, for the Seebeck effect not even the sign of the current can be predicted from thermodynamics, and so to understand the origin of the Seebeck coefficient it is necessary to understand the microscopic physics. Charge carriers (such as thermally excited electrons) constantly diffuse around inside a conductive material. Due to ...
In the fundamental branches of modern physics, namely general relativity and its widely applicable subset special relativity, as well as relativistic quantum mechanics and relativistic quantum field theory, the Lorentz transformation is the transformation rule under which all four-vectors and tensors containing physical quantities transform from one frame of reference to another.