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PERNYATAAN UMUM TENTANG HAK ASASI MANUSIA sebagai satu standar umum keberhasilan untuk semua bangsa dan negara, dengan tujuan agar setiap orang dan setiap badan dalam masyarakat dengan senantiasa mengingat Pernyataan ini, akan berusaha dengan jalan mengajar dan mendidik untuk menggalakkan penghargaan terhadap hak-hak dan kebebasan-kebebasan ...
The 1945 State Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, commonly abbreviated as UUD 1945 or UUD '45) is the supreme law and basis for all laws of Indonesia.
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika included in the National emblem of Indonesia, the Garuda Pancasila. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is the official national motto of Indonesia.It is inscribed in the national emblem of Indonesia, the Garuda Pancasila, written on the scroll gripped by the Garuda's claws.
Thus, the Attorney General has been independent of the Minister of Justice since then. The transfer of the General Court (Peradilan Umum) and State Administration Court (Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara) to the Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung) was started in 1999 and finished on 31 March 1999. Thus, the Ministry has different responsibilities.
Pancasila (Indonesian: [pantʃaˈsila] ⓘ) is the official, foundational philosophical theory of Indonesia.The name is made from two words originally derived from Sanskrit: "pañca" ("five") and "śīla" ("principles", "precepts").
The first modern KBBI dictionary was published during the 5th Indonesian Language Congress on 28 October 1988. The first edition contains approximately 62,000 entries. The dictionary was compiled by a team led by the Head of the Language Center, Anton M. Moeliono , with chief editors Sri Sukesi Adiwimarta and Adi Sunaryo.
Karena semua dibiayai menggunakan dana negara jutaan rupiah, baginda maharaja bijaksana, sang mahaguru sastra bahasa Kawi, mahasiswa-mahasiswi perguruan swasta, duta-duta negeri mitra dan suami/istrinya, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, karyawan-karyawati perusahaan ketenaga kerjaan, bupati budiman, beserta anggota lembaga nirlaba kewanitaan ...
The Jakarta Charter (Indonesian: Piagam Jakarta) was a document drawn up by members of the Indonesian Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence (BPUPK) on 22 June 1945 in Jakarta that later formed the basis of the preamble to the Constitution of Indonesia.