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  2. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty - Wikipedia


    Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee; Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciful and Mighty! God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity! Holy, Holy, Holy! All the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee, Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be.

  3. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name - Wikipedia


    Cherubim and seraphim, In unceasing chorus praising; Fill the heavens with sweet accord: Holy, holy, holy, Lord. 3. Lo! the Apostolic train Join the Sacred Name to hallow; Prophets swell the loud refrain, And the white robed martyrs follow; And from morn to set of sun, Through the Church the song goes on. 4. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit ...

  4. Let all mortal flesh keep silence - Wikipedia


    Let all mortal flesh keep silent, and stand with fear and trembling, and in itself consider nothing earthly; for the King of kings and Lord of lords cometh forth to be sacrificed, and given as food to the believers; and there go before Him the choirs of Angels, with every Dominion and Power, the many-eyed Cherubim and the six-winged Seraphim ...

  5. Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones - Wikipedia


    Bright Seraphs, Cherubim and Thrones, Raise the glad strain, Alleluya! Cry out, Dominions, Princedoms, Powers, Virtues, Archangels, Angels' choirs, Alleluya, Alleluya, Alleluya, Alleluya, Alleluya! O higher than the Cherubim, More glorious than the Seraphim, Lead their praises, Alleluya! Thou Bearer of the eternal Word, Most gracious, magnify ...

  6. Cherubikon - Wikipedia


    On high, the armies of angels give glory; below, men, standing in church forming a choir, emulate the same doxologies. Above, the Seraphim declaim the thrice-holy hymn; below, the multitude of men sends up the same. A common festival of the heavenly and the earthly is celebrated together; one Eucharist, one exultation, one joyful choir.

  7. Gegrüßet seist du, Königin - Wikipedia


    Triumph all ye cherubim! Sing with us ye seraphim! Heaven and earth resound the hymn! Salve, salve, salve, Regina! Our life, our sweetness here below, O Maria! Our hope in sorrow and in woe, O Maria! Triumph all ye cherubim! Sing with us ye seraphim! Heaven and earth resound the hymn! Salve, salve, salve, Regina! And when our last breath leaves ...

  8. Festival Te Deum - Wikipedia


    To thee Cherubim and Seraphim: continually do cry, Holy, Holy, Holy: Lord God of Sabaoth; Heaven and earth are full of the Majesty: of thy Glory. 3. Chorus The glorious company of the Apostles: praise thee. The goodly fellowship of the Prophets: praise thee. The noble army of Martyrs: praise thee.

  9. Salve Regina - Wikipedia


    Triumph all ye cherubim! Sing with us ye seraphim! Heaven and earth resound the hymn! Salve, salve, salve, Regina! Our life, our sweetness here below, O Maria! Our hope in sorrow and in woe, O Maria! Triumph all ye cherubim! Sing with us ye seraphim! Heaven and earth resound the hymn! Salve, salve, salve, Regina! And when our last breath leaves ...