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  2. Pre-employment testing: a selection of popular tests - Workable


    Here are seven common pre-employment tests that can help you make better hiring decisions: What are the most common types of pre-employment tests? 1. Job knowledge tests. 2. Integrity tests. 3. Cognitive ability tests. 4. Personality tests. 5. Emotional Intelligence tests. 6. Skills assessment tests. 7. Physical ability tests.

  3. Practice for your basic skills test (Criteria, Wonderlic & more). Get information and tips for preparation. Get ready to ace your job assessment test!

  4. 7 Types of Pre-Employment Assessment Tests and Screenings


    Learn more about the different types of pre-employment testing, including personality, skills and physical ability assessment tests and screenings.

  5. 7 Types of Assessment Tests for Jobs and What To Expect


    In this article, we describe seven types of assessment tests for jobs. What are assessment tests for jobs? Assessment tests for jobs, also known as pre-employment tests, help hiring managers determine whether a candidate has the skills, work style, knowledge or personality to succeed in a job.

  6. Pre-employment Testing Samples: Practice Questions + Answers -...


    The Ramsay Basic Skills Test is a short, entry-level pre-employment assessment used to measure an individual’s aptitude for various processing and manufacturing positions. The test focuses on knowledge of basic scientific principles and how to apply them to everyday situations.

  7. Job Knowledge Tests - U.S. Office of Personnel Management


    Examples of job knowledge tests include tests of basic accounting principles, computer programming, financial management, and knowledge of contract law. Job knowledge tests are often constructed on the basis of an analysis of the tasks that make up the job.

  8. Criteria Basic Skills Test (CBST) – Full Guide and Practice...


    What Is the Criteria Basic Skills Test (CBST)? The CBST test is a pre-employment cognitive ability test, assessing basic math and verbal skills for entry-level positions. The test was developed and administered by test provider Criteria. The test contains 40 questions in 6 topics: Math – basic numeracy, word problems, tables and graphs.

  9. Criteria Basic Skills Test (CBST)


    The Criteria Basic Skills Test (CBST) measures the basic math and verbal skills that are required to succeed in a wide variety of entry-level jobs. The CBST is a 20-minute, 40-item test that measures basic grammar, spelling, math, and language skills.

  10. Basic Skills Test – Practice Guide & Tips 2024 - Psychometric...


    The Basic Skills Test is a small but important test to measure someone’s skills for an entry-level job role. Research shows that the higher scorers perform better in their role, so it is important to revise and prepare for the test to ensure you do the best you can.

  11. Skills Assessment Test: Pros, Types, Examples - site


    Basic skills tests cover essential competencies like reading, writing, math, and attention to detail, which are fundamental for any job. For instance, reading comprehension tests assess a candidate’s capability to understand and interpret written information, while basic math tests measure their numerical proficiency.