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  2. Round ligament of uterus - Wikipedia


    The round ligament of the uterus is a ligament that connects the uterus to the labia majora. It originates at the junction of the uterus and uterine tube. It passes through the inguinal canal to insert at the labium majus. The two round ligaments of uterus develop from the gubernaculum; they are the female homologue of the male gubernaculum ...

  3. Round ligament of liver - Wikipedia


    The round ligament of the liver, ligamentum teres or ligamentum teres hepatis is a ligament that forms part of the free edge of the falciform ligament of the liver. It connects the liver to the umbilicus. It is the remnant of the left umbilical vein. The round ligament divides the left part of the liver into medial and lateral sections.

  4. Round ligament pain - Wikipedia


    This increase in size and weight of the uterus puts stress on the ligament that holds it, causing it to stretch. During physical exertion or sudden movements, the ligament is overly stretched, causing pain. Varicosities, [7] e.g. enlargement of the blood vessels of the round ligament can occur during pregnancy, causing pain and swelling. The ...

  5. Inguinal canal - Wikipedia


    in females: the round ligament of the uterus, and the ilioinguinal nerve. The classic description of the contents of the spermatic cords in the male are: 3 arteries: artery to vas deferens (or ductus deferens), testicular artery, cremasteric artery; 3 fascial layers: external spermatic, cremasteric, and internal spermatic fascia;

  6. Lobes of liver - Wikipedia


    It occupies the right hypochondrium, on its posterior surface by the ligamentum venosum for the cranial (upper) half and by the ligamentum teres hepatis (round ligament of liver) for the caudal (under) half. The ligamentum teres hepatis turns around the inferior margin of the liver to come out ventral in the falciform ligament.

  7. Round ligament - Wikipedia


    Round ligament of liver, also known as the ligamentum teres hepatis; Ligament of head of femur, which was formerly known as the ligamentum teres femoris; Oblique cord or round ligament of the elbow, connects the anterolateral aspect of the ulna proximally to the posteromedial aspect of the radius distally

  8. Uterine horns - Wikipedia


    Uterine horn not labeled, but visible. The round ligament is at the left, labeled as #1. It travels to the right, and attaches to the uterus at the center. The fallopian tube is unnumbered, but it is visible above the uterus, and travels downward to attach at a location near the round ligament.

  9. Gubernaculum - Wikipedia


    The gubernaculum has two vestigial remnants in females, the ovarian ligament and the round ligament of the uterus (ligamentum teres uteri) which respectively serve to support the ovaries and uterus in the pelvis. Development of the gubernaculum in female mice overexpressing INSL3 causes descended ovaries and reduced fertility. This ovarian ...