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Gregory the Great: He that thinks he ought to do to another as he expects that others will do to him, considers verily how he may return good things for bad, and better things for good. [4] Chrysostom: Whence what we ought to do is clear, as in our own cases we all know what is proper, and so we cannot take refuge in our ignorance. [4]
But the Apostle uses the word ‘say,’ to express the will and understanding of him that says it. He only properly says a thing, who by the sound of his voice expresses his will and purpose. But the Lord uses the word in its ordinary sense, for he seems to say who neither wishes nor understands what he says. [8]
There is also a passage by Diogenes Laërtius in his work Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers written hundreds of years after Plato, where he lists, among the things that Socrates used to say: [12] " εἰδέναι μὲν μηδὲν πλὴν αὐτὸ τοῦτο εἰδέναι", or "that he knew nothing except that he knew that ...
Glossa Ordinaria: For from God we receive only such things as are good, of what kind soever they may seem to us when we receive them; for all things work together for good to His beloved. [7] Saint Remigius: And be it known that where Matthew says, He shall give good things, Luke has, shall give his Holy Spirit. (Luke 11:13.)
Augustine: Hereto it also pertains that we be not deceived by the name of Christ not only in such as bear the name and do not the deeds, but yet more by certain works and miracles, such as the Lord wrought because of the unbelieving, but yet warned us that we should not be deceived by such to suppose that there was invisible wisdom where was a visible miracle; wherefore He adds, saying, Many ...
People immediately get emotional and panicked, often yelling at other passengers and moving without necessarily knowing if that's the right thing to do. The bottom line, Nelson says, is that no ...
For God knows all men according to nature, but He seems not to know them for that He loves them not, as they seem not to know God who do not serve Him worthily. [6] Chrysostom: He says to them, I never knew you, as it were, not at the day of judgment only, but not even then when ye were working miracles. For there are many whom He has now in ...
In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Bernie Marcus says he wouldn’t be successful if he started his chain of home-improvement stores today. “We would end up with 15, 16 stores ...