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  2. Once you create a new project using the create command,you need to change the directory to the newly create project where you are going to build your app. eg. E:\Andriod\myapp>cordova create newapp Creating a new cordova project. E:\Andriod\myapp>cordova build Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project. E:\Andriod\myapp>cd newapp

  3. Go to the plugins folder in that root directory and copy the plugin folders to the plugin folder of your Xcode project. (e.g org.apache.cordova.PLUGIN_NAME) In the plugin specific folder (inside plugins directory) copy the source files to the Plugins folder inside Xcode (just drag and drop them in and copy to the targets you need)

  4. Did you follow the instructions from the Cordova website on setting up a Cordova-based project? i.e. "Cordova create projectName" cordova.apache.org – Kody R. Commented Nov 28, 2018 at 16:01

  5. If you are working on Ionic 2 (this also use cordova) then just follow this link- Cordova - Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project Hope it will work !!

  6. Common steps are: Create a project. $ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld. go inside of the newly created project folder i.e. hello in this case. $ cd hello. Now add your desired platform (s) $ cordova platform add android. Once a platform has been added, now you can add any plugin. $ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.camera.

  7. My Ionic PWA project has camera, location cordova plugins. They are working fine. I added device motion plugin and LinearAccelerationSensor in my project. I referred to this working project. When I clone this project, it worked as expected, when I installed device motion plugin and copied this code in my project page.

  8. 1. Found the issue of this to be that the Cordova directory was missing the www/ folder so Cordova won't run, then again Framework7 setup this package for the build to be generated in the build folder. I would advise you not to redirect your build (especially if you are not familiar with how to do it) rather you could copy the www/ folder in ...

  9. Current Working Directory is not Cordova-based project


    Current Working Directory is not Cordova-based project. Below is the exact command I did but not sure why I was unable to add android platform using the command 'cordova platform add android'. Do this. Folder name without space. (I'm not sure it'll work with space or not)

  10. Error: Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project Could someone please explain to me what this means (other than the fact that the current working directory doesn't work with Cordova) and how I could change it?

  11. 1. I think you haven't created a new project with: cordova create [PATH] [ID] [NAME] This will create a .cordova, platform and www folder. Things are a bit different when you use 3.3, you won't have a .cordova folder in that case but that doesn't really matter. After running the create command you should add the android platform (after cd-ing ...