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  2. Can you tell me how to say hi in Japanese. See a translation Report copyright infringement; 0 likes Roiqia.

  3. How do you say "Kpop" in Japanese? | HiNative


    ケーポップ!|you can say just as K-pop.(kei-poppu).as same as J-pop(jei poppu).

  4. How to say hi in Japanese - HiNative


    こんにちわ。Konnichiwa. (^_^)|Ogenkidesuka|It could also mean "Good afternoon"|こんにちは|Kon'nichiwa = こんいちは。 It can mean hello or ...

  5. ねー(笑|This is the things that between two persons who are closed friends pronounce like“ ne—”|Different people have different way to say Hi|And if u wanna use this to a person in Japan that do not know who you are, they will not understand what u want to say|So I suggest I just use こんにちは or すみません to start a communication

  6. This one's said in the case a certain time has passed since someone died. I don't think we say that just after something sad happens. or ごめいふくを お祈りします It's much commoner for us to say this when something sad like that Arson incident at Kyoto Ani happens.In this case やすらかにねむれ is NEVER suitable.

  7. How do you say this in Japanese? (立ち退き) 如果被分配到郊区的房子的话,会非常不方便,就担心到时候想卖也卖不掉。 「さけ」という魚は、遠い海( )めぐって、生まれた川に再び戻って来る。

  8. にほんじんです|私は日本人です。 (watashi wa nihonjin desu) 私→I 日本人→japanese

  9. How do you say "Bruh" in Japanese? | HiNative


    I would translate it as 「おまえ」 or 「おま」 which also means "you" or "dude". Eg: "Bruh, are you serious?"→「おま、マジで?」 But we don’t have a perfect word that matches "bruh", so it depends on the context. If i may add to the previous answer, I think that 「ちくしょう」 means "Dammit"|ちくしょう!

  10. How do you say this in Japanese? - HiNative


    How do you say this in Japanese? Conversation 都是因为你,我这几天都特别生气,但是今天被她治愈了,我决定原谅你,你在守护你的国家ですね、加油吧

  11. How do you say "another" in Japanese? | HiNative


    another もう1つの (もうひとつの)mo-hitotsuno もう1人の (もうひとりの)mo-hitorino 別の (べつの)betuno tergantung situasi. Can I get another piece of cake? "もう1つ"ケーキをもらってもいいですか? We are having another baby. "もう1人"、子供(赤ちゃん)ができました。 Hari ini macet, let's go another day. "別の"日に行きましょう ...