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Chinese cultural influences can be seen in local Chinese Malay literature, which dates back to the late 19th century. One of the earliest and most comprehensive works on this subject, Claudine Salmon's 1981 book Literature in Malay by the Chinese of Indonesia: A Provisional Annotated Bibliography, lists over 3,000 works.
Chinese: The most significant ethnic minority of foreign origin in Indonesia, officially amounting to around 2.8 million, with other sources estimating them at anywhere between 2 and 4 million, with one estimation being as high as 8 million. Chinese people began migrating to Indonesia in the 12th century, with significant waves in the 16th and ...
There are different styles of Chinese food in Indonesia: Traditional Chinese food, such as the Teochew, Hokkian, Hakka dishes. Chinese-Indonesian food with recipes borrowed from local Indonesian cuisine, Dutch and other European cuisine. Chinese dishes adapted to the local culture and taste, such as replacing pork with chicken or beef to make ...
Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka: 1999, halaman 1185 s.d. 1188 berisikan Pendahuluan buku Senarai Kata Serapan dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta, 1996 (dengan sedikit penyaduran tanpa mengubah maksud dan tujuan seseungguhnya dari buku ini).
In Indonesia, adat rules are still of legal relevance in some areas, especially in most Hindu villages in Bali, the Tenger area, and in the regions of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union , adat practices in Central Asia began to be resurrected in the 1990s among rural communities.
A Balinese statuette of a woman made from Chinese cash coins. According to a popular legend Chinese cash coins (Balinese: Pis Bolong) were introduced to Bali around the year 12 AD when the ancient Balinese King Sri Maharaja Aji Jayapangus married the Han dynasty princess Kang Cin Wei and the princess asked the King if Chinese cash coins could become a part of all rituals in Bali, which at the ...
Concurrently, the emergence of kebaya as the traditional attire of the Javanese and Malays originated from the integration of the style of Chinese Ming, the Arab merchants and the Portuguese settlers. Thus, there are various styles of sarong kebaya throughout Southeast Asia with each named after its famous wearer, place of origin or modification.
When more pure-blooded Arabs, Chinese and Dutchmen were born in the East Indies, the term gained significance in describing those of exclusive or almost exclusive foreign ancestry. [ 1 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] 'Peranakan' is the antonym of 'Totok', the former meaning simply 'descendants' (of mixed roots), and the latter meaning 'pure'.