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  2. We make Premium Quality Flags with the best flag fabric on the market. We offer: Free equipping & teaching on how to dance with worship flags. Flagging technique Training

  3. CALLED TO FLAG | Free Technique Tutorials for Worship Flag Dance


    Worship Flag Dance (How to Use Long Silk Flags BEGINNER MOVEMENTS) CALLED TO FLAG banners

  4. CALLED TO FLAG | Liquid Metal Worship Flags


    The Full Collection of Liquid Metal Worship Flags. We use Premium Quality Lame Fabic to make our flags. They come with lightweight Ultra Rods. It's one of the best worship flags for any level of worshippers.

  5. CALLED TO FLAG | Digital Silk Flags Collection


    digital silk flags / angelic wings / child size flags / clearance / flag bag & merch

  6. Equipping - CALLEDtoFlag


    Our FLAGGING TECHNIQUE videos are made to equip the body of Christ in the technique of worship flagging. There are NO "super spiritual powers" in any of these moves or in our flags. The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives inside of...YOU & ME. The power is not in the movements you perform but in your right relationship with God.

  7. How to Hold Your Flags - CALLEDtoFlag


    How to use your worship flags. Good for Liquid Metal Worship Flags, Organza Flags, Lamé Fabric Church Flags and Silk Worship Dance Flag.

  8. Q & A - Called to Flag


    CALLED TO FLAG™ is developing a sonship-culture of worshipping Father God with flags. Instead of asking you to donate to this ministry, we sell flags! The income made supports us to continue to spread the news of Father God.

  9. Worship Flags Video - CALLEDtoFlag


    Worship Flags | Revival’s In The Air | Bethel Music | Remix | Dance ft: Claire CALLED TO FLAG

  10. About us | CALLEDtoFlag


    to craft called to flag worship flags In 2012, Claire was prophesied over that God was going to revive her rich spiritual inheritance, which came through her blood line. At that time, Claire was the first and only believer in her family.

  11. Color Meanings | Called to Flag | CALLEDtoFlag


    Color References for Worship Flags and Banners. Colors mean different things to different people. We believe God speaks to you through different colors. Here are some of what we feel different colors mean to us.