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  2. Prescription Drugs - American Medical Association


    Effective prescription drug regulations are those that allow physicians to work with their patients to decide what is most safe and effective, and not limited just by what is available. Find out how AMA advocacy influences prescription drug regulations at the state and federal levels to improve access and public health outcomes.

  3. How are prescription drug prices determined?


    The U.S. spends nearly $334 billion a year on prescription drugs. In 1990, the share the nation spent for pharmaceuticals accounted for 5.6% of total health care spending, but grew to nearly 10% in 2017. Prescription drug price increases can lead some patients to not be able to afford critical medicine, causing them to skip doses of their ...

  4. 2021 E/M Transition: How organizations are moving forward...


    After examining initial results from the first quarter of 2021, some trends are starting to emerge. Well-prepared organizations are showing a shift to level four visit utilization based on the new E/M guidelines. Here are initial results from one organization: While there may be multiple reasons for these changes, including new usage patterns ...

  5. Wiki Prescription Drug Management - AAPC


    Medical management includes a new drug being prescribed, a change to an existing prescription or simply refilling a current medication. The drug and dosage should be documented as well as the drug management. If medications are just listed in patient’s medical record, credit is given for past history.

  6. Prescription Drug-monitoring Programs - American Medical...


    The AMA Update covers a range of health care topics affecting the lives of physicians and patients. Learn more about Narcan, the over-the-counter naloxone nasal spray, and more. Stay up-to-date on prescription drug monitoring programs with the latest resources, legislation, and information. Learn more about PDMPs on the AMA.

  7. Current Prescription Drug Shortage News - American Medical...


    Prescription drug shortages have had a widespread effect on patient care and treatment. Current drug shortages have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The AMA is dedicated to finding a solution to the ongoing drug shortage issue. Learn more about the issue, what drug is currently in shortage and the steps the AMA is taking to resolve medicine shortage.

  8. Helping patients by using prescription drug monitoring programs


    Prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMP) can be an effective clinical tool to assist physicians in making prescribing decisions. Effective PDMPs can help identify red flags in prescription use, and provide information when assessing and making treatment decisions. Learn how one physician in New York uses his PDMP to inform treatment options ...

  9. Substance Use & Misuse - American Medical Association


    AMA Advocacy Insights webinar series. AMA Advocacy Insights webinar series examines key advocacy issues from the federal and state levels impacting patients and physicians. Substance misuse affects millions of Americans every year. The AMA is committed to addressing the root causes of substance misuse in America.

  10. Psychopharmacology guide on prescribing psychotropic medications


    Psychotropic medication should only be prescribed after considering potential side effects, risk factors for adverse outcomes, and the risks, if any, of prolonged usage. It is also important to weigh the risk of not prescribing the psychotropic medication, and the potential impact on the patient’s health outcomes. Implement a treatment plan.

  11. This is how generic drugs get their names


    What’s in a name. Prior to the USAN, generic drug names were created by simply shortening a compound’s systematic chemical name, but this led to complex, unmanageable or overused names, so the USAN Council devised a taxonomy based on of the following elements: A stem or substem. Usually appearing at the end of the name, this signifies a ...