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The Holy See has at times granted dispensations from the celibacy requirement for former Anglican priests and former Lutheran ministers. [9] Papal dispensation is a reserved right of the pope that allows for individuals to be exempted from a specific Canon law. Dispensations are divided into two categories: general, and matrimonial.
Joseph Fitzmyer SJ notes that the rule of faith (Latin: regula fidei) (where 'rule' has the sense of a measure such as a ruler) is a phrase rooted in the Apostle Paul's admonition to the Christians in Rome in the Epistle to the Romans 5:13 12:6, which says, "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.
Any cleric who wears multicoloured clothing not in keeping with his clerical status, whose clothes are not at least ankle-length, or any head of a cathedral, Catholic college or chaplain to a cardinal who fails to wear a head covering in public, or clerics who pay too much attention to their hair or beards, or clerics who use silk and velvet ...
The exercise of the Catholic Church's magisterium is sometimes, but only rarely, expressed in the solemn form of an ex cathedra papal declaration, "when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, [the Bishop of Rome] defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church," [7] or of a similar ...
The canon law of the Catholic Church has all the ordinary elements of a mature legal system: laws, courts, lawyers, judges. [8] The canon law of the Catholic Church is articulated in the legal code for the Latin Church [9] as well as a code for the Eastern Catholic Churches. [9]
Canon law (from Ancient Greek: κανών, kanon, a 'straight measuring rod, ruler') is a set of ordinances and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority (church leadership) for the government of a Christian organization or church and its members.
For Sacred Scripture is the word of God inasmuch as it is consigned to writing under the inspiration of the divine Spirit, while sacred tradition takes the word of God entrusted by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, and hands it on to their successors in its full purity, so that led by the light of the Spirit of truth, they ...
The Catholic theology of Scripture has developed much since the Second Vatican Council of Catholic Bishops ("Vatican II", 1962-1965). This article explains the theology (or understanding) of scripture that has come to dominate in the Catholic Church today. It focuses on the Church's response to various areas of study into the original meaning ...