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A third journal, BMC Research Notes, publishes scientifically valid research outputs that cannot be considered as full research or methodology articles across all scientific and clinical disciplines, [10] while BMC Proceedings publishes conference proceedings and BMC Medical Research Methodology focuses on methodological approaches to ...
Bioinformatics is the name given to these mathematical and computing approaches used to glean understanding of biological processes. Common activities in bioinformatics include mapping and analyzing DNA and protein sequences, aligning DNA and protein sequences to compare them, and creating and viewing 3-D models of protein structures.
Clustering is central to much data-driven bioinformatics research and serves as a powerful computational method whereby means of hierarchical, centroid-based, distribution-based, density-based, and self-organizing maps classification, has long been studied and used in classical machine learning settings.
Bioinformatics; Bioinformatics and Biology Insights; BMC Bioinformatics; Briefings in Bioinformatics; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology; Cancer Informatics; Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal; Computational Biology and Chemistry; Computers in Biology and Medicine; Current Bioinformatics; Database; EMBnet.journal; Evolutionary ...
Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research in bioinformatics, especially as applied to chemistry, including computational biomodeling, molecular modeling, and systems biology.
Gifted Child Today; Journal for the Education of the Gifted; Journal of Early Intervention; Journal of Learning Disabilities; Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs; Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation; Learning Disability Quarterly; Remedial and Special Education; Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities
Bioinformatics and Biology Insights is a peer-reviewed open access academic journal focusing on the application of bioinformatics to biological research. The journal was originally published by Libertas Academica, but SAGE Publications became the publisher in September 2016. [1] The journal is edited by Erich Bornberg-Bauer.
The Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology was founded in 2003 and is published by World Scientific. The journal covers analysis of cellular information, especially in the technical aspect. The managing editor is Limsoon Wong (National University of Singapore).