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  2. Progressive Lenses Comparison chart - Google Groups


    with is the Essilor Natural, Rodenstock life, Silor Adaptar, Hoya wide ..those Sola brands (XL,VIP) the fitting cross is 2 mm above and the reading is 15 mm below the 180.. you probably could get used to them but it would take a little

  3. Essilor Ovation? - Google Groups


    company (essilor) Silor lens division and Varilux lens division and than the coating company under the Crizal and reflection free names and last but not least Essilor is ALSO the largest wholesale lab in the USA under the ELOA..besides making the lens they also have a whole lens frinding division... Essilor is a big company with a lot of parts ...

  4. Zenni: Intermediate Zone Size in Progressive Lenses? - Google...


    GlassyEyes.com Forums - Visit the site! Conversations

  5. Question - 1st time ordering progressive lenses - Google Groups


    All groups and messages ... ...

  6. Discussion on zenni-optical - Google Groups


    lenses are great - the progressive isn't the most modern design, but is not dissimilar from Lenscrafter's "Featherwates" or Costco's Essilor Ovation. It's got a relatively long corridor, so you're going to need taller frames than, say, 39Dollar's Varilux Ellipse lens. The coatings seem well-applied when examined with polarizers and a quick glance.

  7. trapezoid vision with new eyeglasses - Google Groups


    prescription is sph +0.5 cyl -0.25 axis 100 add +1.25 on right eye left plain ) after wearing my progressive lense. This is annoying since I work on the computer a lot and my flat screen looks like a trapezoid (not pronounced trapezoid, but I can tell the difference) and the sides of the document are slanted inward. Does

  8. New FAQ for CNSA 2.0 - Google Groups


    CNSA 2.0 will be required to protect US National Security Systems (NSS) in the future. Based on our stakeholders' feedback we have added answers to a variety of new questions in our FAQ.

  9. USB Endoscope viewing software - Google Groups


    Harry Bloomfield wrote: > I've just had a cheap USB endoscope/snake camera delivered. WinXP's > control panel has 'Scanners and Cameras', which allows me to see a tiny

  10. Bridge tables with 5, 6 or 7 players - Google Groups


    Dear bridge players, Our bridge group contains 7 bridge players, max., but 5 or 6 players most of the time. Therefor

  11. MQTTLens - Google Groups


    Hey everyone, I would like to introduce you to MQTTlens a Chrome App for testing MQTT communication scenarios I worked on for the GSoC.