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  2. Activation of Windows Vista by phone? - social.microsoft.com


    Lastly, in your original post, you mentioned some behavior in Vista that can not be explained by it just needing a Product Key entered (such as being unable to bring up the Activate by Phone dialogs) so once you get a Genuine copy of Vista, I strongly encourage you to re-install Vista from scratch.

  3. Locked out of Microsoft account


    I used my phone number to try and recover the account and they flat out didn't send me a message, and so after multiple attempts i tried answering their questionnaire, they decided i was lying and have permanently locked it.

  4. Windows XP (sp2) activation - social.microsoft.com


    1. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then Activate Windows. Or, click the Windows Activation icon in the taskbar notification area next to the clock.

  5. How to get the affected rows number of Entity Framework or Linq...


    Windows Dev Center. Windows Dev Center Home ; UWP apps; Get started; Design; Develop; Publish

  6. Create User and change Business Unit role only in CRM


    Hi! To discover the missing privilege do the follow: Open SQL Management Studio e run the follow query: select * from privilegebase where privilegeId = 'ca4a3b9f-6887-4b5d-90f4-e918ed17e175'

  7. VBScript Help - Eliminate duplicate records in text file


    Hi, Need your help!!! I have a text file.I need to check whether there are duplicate records in this file for the field 'MVTJOU_NEW value".If there are the duplicate records in the file ,then that row should be deleted and a new output file should be created without duplicates.Each row starts with a reference number which is unique i.e B4A31FCHIT100000,B4A31FCHIT100001 etc..

  8. Microsoft Active Directory Topology Diagrammer is here!


    Number of Mailboxes Application Partitions Servers and OS version information (with color coding) In order for the tool to do a Active Directory discover you need to configure the tool to point to a Global Catalog server in the environment. Tips: The Active Directory Topology Diagrammer uses Visio layers for the different Objects drawn.

  9. Newer is NOT always better - social.microsoft.com


    In contrast the CRT is a) much, much more solidly built, b) has a better image quality and specifications, c) is big enough to temporarily put things on top of - like say ashtrays, books and papers, cups of coffee etc. (very useful - you can't do any of that with the wafer thin LCD monitor), d) helps keep the room warm with the heat from its vents.

  10. number of default active users in windows 2008 r2


    hello . i d heard the number of default active users in windows 2008 r2 is 3 without license. terminal server = 2 users

  11. Microsoft Phone emulator hangs 100% CPU


    Windows Phone 7 SDK Emulator Group (cannot find it in Forum Category list below) I have the same issue as the others; however I’m not using a VM, Windows 7 ultimate, 4 gigs ram, 32bit, VS 2010 Professional. I started the emulator one night and it was alive the next morning. No idea how long it took to start. Whenever i try to launch it just ...