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  2. christology - What does in the "Form of God" mean? - Biblical ...


    God's methods of communicating with humankind did change, however. While God may have indeed manifested himself in human form prior to the birth of Jesus, as he did for a short time with Abraham in Genesis 18, the body which Jesus inhabited during his time on earth will live on forever. He will always be "God made visible."

  3. What is the difference between "God" (capital G, singular) and...


    The difference between "God" and "god" associated specifically with the psalm that Yahshua/Jesus referenced in John 10:34-36 was that he responded by showing the people (with evidence) who claimed that he was blaspheming, that we all have the ability and are suppose to elevate and transfigure to develop and establish that intimate relationship ...

  4. deuteronomy - Humankind divided up among the gods? - Biblical ...


    9 Then God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth 19 These three were the sons of Noah, and from these, the whole earth was [a]populated. Many centuries later God made a covenant with Abraham to give his seed a certain land with boundaries as stated in Genesis 15: 18-21. Genesis 15:18-21 NET

  5. Should John 1:18 read "the only begotten God"?


    One example of this is when Hebrews quotes from Isaiah 8:18. So "God" vs "Lord" in the NT are both YHWH substitute terms that are being used to distinguish one YHWH from the other YHWH. So, we can see now the necessity of "God" becoming "Father" in relation to "Monogenes" and "Lord". It was yet another manner of distinguishing.

  6. prophecy - Did God lose a fight to another deity? - Biblical ...


    The god Chemosh was indeed a god or an son of Elohim or an elohim that fell Psalm 82, or a daimonion or principality as Paul would call him. And if indeed Israel practiced child sacrifice then Chemosh had legal rights over them at least in part because they opened themselves up to him through pagan worship.

  7. Does God have a spirit separate from the Holy Spirit?


    Conclusion: God does not have a spirit separate from the Holy Spirit. Biblical writers sometimes use the term "spirit of God" or even "the Holy Spirit" to mean God's spirit (the spirit of the One God, who may be understood as either a unitary or triune deity) and sometimes to what Christians call "the Holy Spirit" - the Third Person of the Trinity.

  8. hebrew - Genesis 3:5 - 'as God' or 'as gods'? - Biblical...


    It is probable that God is addressing his heavenly court (see the note on the word “make” in 1:26), the members of which can be called “gods” or “divine beings” from the ancient Israelite perspective. (We know some of these beings as messengers or “angels.”)

  9. christology - Who is our Savior: God or Jesus? - Biblical...


    Jesus is the Lamb, the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, Root of David and many other glorious names and titles. He is also Saviour. A name God is also called - but God is never called Messiah, the Lamb, the Root of David etc. So they share the role of Saviour in quite different ways. God has the responsibility of having a plan of

  10. contradiction - Did God forsake Jesus while on the cross? -...


    God did not forsaken Jesus on the Cross, not for three hours or even a minute. To believe this is to say that the Godhead can be divided, which it cannot. Jesus was proclaiming Psalms 22:1 because the people of Israel would have been aware of this portion of Scripture.

  11. What is the difference in meaning between "The Lord" and the...


    When you see God, the Hebrew words elohim, el, or eloah are used to refer to the one true God. When you see god or gods, the Hebrew words elohim, el, or eloah are used to refer to idols, spiritual beings, the objects of other nations’ worship, etc. When you see Lord GOD, the author has used both adonai and YHWH together.