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  2. Do i have to avoid all activity after cataract surgery?


    Dr. Clement Cheng answered. No: There are a few restrictions after cataract surgery including limiting water into the eye, limiting lifting heavy weights, and avoiding activity with a higher probability of eye injury (ie boxing). Normal activity and light exercise are usually well tolerated.

  3. how long before flying after cataract surgery? | HealthTap


    Same day if needed: In most cases, if no complications, a patient can fly same day if needed: just no bending, lifting, straining for 5-7 days after surgery. More info: eyedoc2020@blogspot.com. A couple of days: Unlike older types of eye surgery, modern cataract surgery does not set limitations on activities such as flying. Altitude.

  4. What are activity restrictions after ecce cataract surgery ... -...


    After Cataract Surg: After Small Incision Cataract Surgery, most eyeMD still recommend no bending, lifting heavy things, straining for at least 3-5 days with shield on at night time/when sleeping; no swimming with eyes open under water as well. If you had an ECCE, most extend this to 7-10days depending if there is no wound leak at the suture site.

  5. how soon after cataract surgery can one resume normal (strenuous...


    Soon: As long as the sexual activity doesn't lead to sweat entering the eye or involve any external pressure on the eye resuming sexual activity can be resumed. It probably would be advisable to wait a few days for the wound to partially heal before strenuous activity. Answered 7/6/2019. 4.6k views.

  6. why shouldn't you strain a bowel movement after cataract surgery...


    Dr. Michael Rizen answered. Pressure on the eye: When you strain to stool, you often hold your breath and increase your intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic pressures (called a valsalva maneuver). This can theoretically result in elevated eye pressure, maybe just from associated eye squeezing. This isn't good for the incision as its healing.

  7. do i need to have ekg done for my cataract surgery? - HealthTap


    Dr. Richard Bensinger answered. Depends: If you have a history of heart disease with no recent ekg, then it might be a good idea. But cataract surgery is gentle and non-stressful. The old rule of doing routine ekgs (and chest xrays) on pre-cataract surgery patients no longer applies.

  8. after cataract surgery, can the new lens slip or is it ... -...


    It is placed in the sack in the eye which previously held the cataract so it is not stitched in place. In rare cases, the lens may be sutured to the white of the eye or iris to maintain cr tearoom and avoid slippage. Rarely : The implant has "arms" called haptics which hold it in place inside the lens capsule.

  9. After cataract surgery how long to use the eye protection?


    A doctor has provided 1 answer. Dr. Richard Bensinger answered. Short term: Almost all cataract surgery is done under local; the eye protection is to cover the eye during the period when the anesthetic is still in effect to prevent accidentally poking the eye. It is not used to promote healing. By the next day after surgery, the cover will have ...

  10. When will constricted pupils after cataract surgery go away?


    Thank. Dr. Federico Mattioli answered. What is the cause: Sometimes eye drops are used at the end of cataract surgery to constrict the pupil which may last for a day. If your surgeon prescribed constricting drops then they will constrict until drops are stopped. Surgical changes to the pupil can occur during the procedure as well.

  11. Is image magnification after a cataract surgery iol implant ... -...


    Dr. Michael Ham answered. No: Magnification results because of changing the power of the natural lens in the eye to more plus (+, or higher) power. This is usually done to adjust the optics of the eye so you do not need glasses for distance. The change in power can result in magnification of the image. Especially noticeable if the other eye is ...