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The phrase "image of God" is found in three passages in the Hebrew Bible, all in the Book of Genesis 1–11: . And God said: 'Let us make man in our image/b'tsalmeinu, after our likeness/kid'muteinu; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.'
Open Theism Calvinism Scripture (the Bible). "In the Christian tradition, the Old and the New Testaments are considered Holy Scripture in that they are, or convey, the self-revelation of God." [13] "Committed to affirming the infallibility of Scripture" [14] Scripture is "the infallible Word of God". [15] God's Power. "God's power is limited ...
Jerome: The pure is known by purity of heart, for the temple of God cannot be impure. [6] Pseudo-Chrysostom: He who in thought and deed fulfils all righteousness, sees God in his heart, for righteousness is an image of God, for God is righteousness. So far as any one has rescued himself from evil, and works things that are good, so far does he ...
The earliest catechisms of Reformed (Calvinist) Christianity, written in the 16th through 18th centuries, including the Heidelberg (1563), Westminster (1647) and Fisher's (1765), included discussions in a question and answer format detailing how the creation of images of God (including Jesus) was counter to their understanding of the Second ...
The phrase is used many times in the Bible to describe God's powerful deeds during the Exodus: Exodus 6:6, Deuteronomy 4:34 5:15 7:19 9:29 11:2 26:8, Psalms 136:12. The phrase is also used to describe other past or future mighty deeds of God, in the following sources: II Kings 17:36, Jeremiah 21:5 27:5 32:17, Ezekiel 20:33 20:34, II Chronicles 6:32.
Because God's identity and transcendent character are described in Scripture as unique, [84] the teaching of the Catholic Church proscribes superstition as well as irreligion and explains the commandment is broken by having images to which divine power is ascribed as well as in divinizing anything that is not God. "Man commits idolatry whenever ...
At 2 Tim 3:16 (NRSV), it is written: "All scripture is inspired by God [theopneustos] and is useful for teaching". [3]When Jerome translated the Greek text of the Bible into the language of the Vulgate, he translated the Greek theopneustos (θεόπνευστος [4]) of 2 Timothy 3:16 as divinitus inspirata ("divinely breathed into").
The Hand of God, or Manus Dei in Latin, also known as Dextera domini/dei (the "right hand of God"), is a motif in Jewish and Christian art, especially of the Late Antique and Early Medieval periods, when depiction of Yahweh or God the Father as a full human figure was considered unacceptable. The hand, sometimes including a portion of an arm ...