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  2. Which Eagle required merit badges are worth doing early? : r/BSA...


    Pfft becoming an eagle scout isn't a race you become an eagle scout and doing merit badges at your own pace. I break the merit badges into two categories under 14 and above then under 14. Under 14 you got first aid, emergency prep/lifesaving , cooking, camping, communications, cit in the community, swimming.

  3. Eagle Required Merit Badges : r/BSA - Reddit


    Maybe if they made it just a normal merit badge, give it time to sink in to the BSA, then when there's a good number of counselors for the badge, and scouts who are stars like myself, or people far ahead and close to Eagle, won't have to backtrack and go get this merit badge or have to find a counselor for the merit badge because it's so new ...

  4. What merit badges do you think should be Eagle required but arent...


    Environmental Science and Sustainability are both STEM merit badges and are required (one or the other) for Eagle Scout. Personal Management and Communication are also STEM merit badges. One could argue that ALL merit badges are STEM badges since science and math are in everything. Here is the official list of STEM-related merit badges: STEM at ...

  5. Easy merit badges : r/BSA - Reddit


    Some of the easiest merit badges will be related to hobbies or interests you already actively pursue. For example, if you've built your own gaming PC or practically live on reddit on your personal tablet, you may be able to crank out Computers much faster than someone who goes to a school that doesn't have Chromebooks for every student.

  6. Most Fun Merit Badges : r/BSA - Reddit


    I'm doing 2 eagle required merit badges that I need, and then I'll have 4 remaining periods. I'm probably going to have a free period so any suggestions for really 3 fun merit badges? I've done these fun merit badges for anyone looking for ideas: Wilderness Survival, Indian Lore, Electricity, Mammal Study, Envi Sci, Fish/Wildlife Mgmt, Kayaking ...

  7. How many non Eagle required merit badges do you have? : r/BSA -...


    49 total badges with 33 non eagles my favorite was aviation and space exploration . But I do have cooking as an Eagle required I know it use to change a lot between required and non required, also I have both hiking and cycling, sustainability and environmental science, the only Eagle I think I don’t have is swimming I should have all the others

  8. New eagle required merit badge : r/BSA - Reddit


    From personal experience, I earned my Cooking merit badge at summer camp a few years before it became Eagle required. Most Scouts that earned their Cooking Merit Badge before 2014 were grandfathered in. It'll probably take at least a year before this new merit badge is implemented.

  9. I need help. How long does an eagle required merit badge take...?...


    Talk to your merit badge counselor. They will have the best idea on how to do requirement 7. And I know I'll get downvoted, but your dad should not be punishing you for not completing a merit badge. Eagle Required Merit Badges are hard ones, and there shouldn't be a limit on them. They are lengthy and require vast amounts of work.

  10. How will the new eagle required merit badge affect me, a Life ......


    When new Eagle Scout-required merit badges or requirements have been introduced in the past, there has always been a grace period for those who will be affected the most. For example, it was announced in 2012 but not actually required until January 1, 2014.

  11. How do I earn merit badges quickly? : r/BSA - Reddit


    Do the merit badges with time requirements at the same time (Personal Management, Personal Fitness, Family Life) instead of doing them separately. Don't wait for your troop to earn merit badges. The merit badge system is meant to be arranged by the Scout him/herself, not in troop meetings. Go to merit badge colleges.