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  2. Use our self-service options on this website to pay your taxes or make a phone or video appointment at your convenience. The Department of Tax Administration's (DTA) Revenue Collection Division is responsible for collecting taxes, fees, and miscellaneous revenues for Fairfax County.

  3. Payment Options | Tax Administration - Fairfax County


    Create your account to include all of your vehicles and properties, then use your account to view and pay your bills online, change your mailing address, view your online payment history, and perform vehicle registrations and updates.

  4. Real Estate Assessments & Taxes | Tax Administration


    Use our self-service options on this website to pay your taxes or make a phone or video appointment at your convenience. The Department of Tax Administration's (DTA) Real Estate Division is tasked with collecting data for all real property in Fairfax County.

  5. Online Taxes - Fairfax, VA


    Payment services on this site offer a convenient and secure option to pay your taxes. The tax balances on the online search system may not reflect adjustments or payments that are in transit.

  6. Real Estate Tax | City of Fairfax, VA


    For information regarding taxes, please visit the City Treasurer’s webpage, or you may call the City Treasurer's office, 703.385.7900. Online Payment Online Real Estate Tax Payments

  7. Payment Options | City of Fairfax, VA


    Pay Online. The City of Fairfax has teamed with a third-party vendor to offer online tax payments. After you choose the tax bill(s) that you wish to pay, you will be offered multiple ways to pay those taxes. Notice to Real Estate Taxpayers: The newly adopted Stormwater Utility (SWU) Fee will be billed via Real Estate Tax Bills starting with the ...

  8. Online Services | City of Fairfax, VA


    Pursuant to the authority provided in the Code of Virginia § 58.1-3294, the City of Fairfax Real Estate Assessment Office collects and analyzes information for the annual reassessment of real property.

  9. Department of Tax Administration - Epay - Fairfax County ...


    My Payment Today - The amount that you have selected to pay to satisfy your Real Estate tax liability.

  10. Welcome to the Department of Tax Administration (DTA) Real Estate tax payment system. Using this system, you may securely: View Real Estate Taxes currently due on the parcel (s) you own in the County of Fairfax. Pay Real Estate Taxes by e-Check or credit card/debit card using our online payment vendor, NIC Virginia.

  11. Fairfax County - Home Page


    Welcome to Fairfax County's Real Estate Assessment Site. This site provides assessed values and physical characteristics for all residential and commercial properties. Click on one of the property search links above to search by address, by tax map reference number, or by doing a map search. You can also view residential sales within a property ...