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  2. Cost of IU Fort Wayne - Indiana University Fort Wayne


    Tuition and fees. Tuition and fees are based on full-time enrollment for fall and spring semesters. However, your actual tuition and fees will be based on the number of credits you enroll in for each semester.

  3. Tuition & Fees - Indiana University Fort Wayne


    It’s easy to figure out how much you’ll pay to go to IU Fort Wayne. Visit the MoneySmarts tuition calculator to estimate your tuition and fees. Keep in mind that, depending on your choices, you may have additional charges for differential program fees, housing, and meal plans.

  4. Tuition and Fees - Purdue University Fort Wayne


    Get a better idea of how much it will cost you to attend Purdue Fort Wayne by using the Net Price Calculator. Funding Your Education. Depending on your academic achievement or financial situation, you could be eligible for scholarships, which usually don't require repayment.

  5. IPFW - Tuition & Fees, Net Price - College Tuition Compare


    The 2024 tuition & fees of Purdue University Fort Wayne is $9,254 for in-state and $22,220 for out-of-state students. Its tuition & fees is a little bit lower than the average tuition for Master's College and University (medium programs)' tuition of $27,315 based on out-of-state tuition rate.

  6. IPFW Tuition & Cost - CollegeSimply


    Undergraduate tuition at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne is $20,403 for out-of-state students. Additionally, out-of-state students are charged $10,111 for room and board, $1,240 for textbooks and educational resources, plus fees of $1,170.

  7. Cost & Financial Aid - Indiana University Fort Wayne


    IU Fort Wayne is a really affordable and financially friendly school. Whether it comes to scholarships or financial aid and assistance, [IUFW] has a lot to offer. What are my options for funding my IU Fort Wayne education? Scholarships are a form of financial aid you don't have to repay.

  8. Purdue University Fort Wayne - College Tuition Compare


    The IPFW's 2024 tuition & fees is $9,254 for Indiana residents and $22,220 for out-of-state students for the academic year 2023-2024. 78% of the enrolled undergraduates have received grants or scholarships, with an average aid amount of $6,142.

  9. How IPFW's Tuition Changes - College Tuition Compare


    The undergraduate tuition & fees has increased from $16,515 (2012) to $22,220 (2024), and the rate of tuition increase is 42.07% over the past 10 years. The graduate school tuition & fees has raised from $14,219 (year 2012) to $15,497 (year 2024).