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Here's the easy way to get access to the web.config settings anywhere in your C# project. Properties.Settings.Default
web.config is used with web applications. web.config by default has several configurations required for the web application. You can have a web.config for each folder under your web application. app.config is used for Windows applications.
I recently spearheaded a project at my company where I wanted to consolidate and manage all of the appSettings & connectionStrings settings in our web.config files in one central place. I wanted to pursue an approach where our config settings were stored in ZooKeeper due to that projects maturity & stability.
Encrypting Web.Config Values in ASP.NET 2.0 on ScottGu's blog; Encrypting Custom Configuration Sections on K. Scott Allen's blog; EDIT: If you can't use asp utility, you can encrypt config file using SectionInformation.ProtectSection method. Sample on codeproject: Encryption of Connection Strings inside the Web.config in ASP.Net 2.0
<appSettings> <add key="MyConfigKey" value="true"/> </appSettings> I wrote a utility class to access values in a typesafe way that allows for default values. If defaults are not provided, then helpful exception messages are given.
Obviously in appsettings.production.json for prod, and in appsettings.development.json for dev. And also it's more predictable - one day, if not you, then someone else will spend some time trying to figure out why db connection fails if the connection string before his eyes is correct (and that's because in the middle of the night he forget to ...
So, if I have a Asp.Net Core Web Project that targets the full framework it seems like I should be able to use the web.config based System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key] approach to getting a setting. But when I try, the value always comes back null (at least with IIS express using VS2015). It should work right?
Within an web.config-file in an ASP.NET-application some sections of config, like appSettings and connectionStrings, supports the attributes file and configSource. What is the difference between using the file -attribute and the configSource -attribute?
If you want to make transformation your app setting from web config file to web.Release.config,you have to do the following steps. Let your web.config app setting file is this-<appSettings> <add key ="K1" value="Debendra Dash"/> </appSettings> Now here is the web.Release.config for the transformation.
However, when I create a similar entry in Web.config, I get the error: Unrecognized configuration section applicationSettings. My two-part question: How do I make this config entry work in Web.config? Where can I read up on the conceptual differences between WinForms configuration and ASP.Net configuration?