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  2. Olympian 1 - Wikipedia


    The ode begins with a priamel, where the rival distinctions of water and gold are introduced as a foil to the true prize, the celebration of victory in song. [7] Ring-composed, [8] Pindar returns in the final lines to the mutual dependency of victory and poetry, where "song needs deeds to celebrate, and success needs songs to make the areta last". [9]

  3. Pythian 1 - Wikipedia


    Hiero, tyrant of Syracuse, had been the recipient of Pindar's First Olympian Ode in 476 BC. His victory in the Pythian games comes in the wake of a number of significant military accomplishments: his defeat of the Carthaginians at the Battle of Himera and of the Etruscans in the naval Battle of Cumae. [2] Both events are alluded to in the poem. [3]

  4. Olympian 3 - Wikipedia


    The third Olympian celebrates the same victory as the second (that of 476), but, while the former Ode was probably sung in the palace of Theron, the present was performed in the temple of the Dioscuri at Acragas, on the occasion of the festival of the Theoxenia, when the gods were deemed to be entertained by Castor and Polydeuces. [1]

  5. Olympian 2 - Wikipedia


    The tyrant of Himera appealed to his son-in-law Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegium, who called in the aid of the Carthaginians, whom Theron and his son-in-law, Gelon of Syracuse, defeated at Himera in 480. [1] In 476 Theron won the chariot-race at Olympia, which is celebrated in this ode. [1] The date is recorded in the Oxyrhynchus papyrus. [2] [1]

  6. Olympian 7 - Wikipedia


    The ode is compared to a loving-cup (1–10), presented to the bridegroom by the father of the bride. [3] Even as the cup is the pledge of loving wedlock, so is the poet's song an earnest of abiding fame, but Charis, the gracious goddess of the epinician ode, looks with favour, now on one, now on another (10–12). [ 3 ]

  7. Olympian 4 - Wikipedia


    The Ode was probably in honour of a victory in the chariot-race in 452, a victory not of a tyrant, but of a free citizen. [1] Under the above date the List of Olympian victors in the Oxyrhynchus papyrus places σαμιου καμ [αρινου τεθριππον], where σαμιου is possibly a mistake for Ψαυμιδος.

  8. Olympian 6 - Wikipedia


    The Ode was accordingly sung among the more generous citizens of his Arcadian home (7). [1] It was sent by Pindar from Thebes to Stymphalus by the hands of Aeneas, who trained the chorus for its performance in Arcadia, prior to the return of Hagesias to Syracuse.

  9. List of commercial video games released as freeware


    The game is still mentioned as freeware and many forums and sites have the now dead link to the game page. The legal situation now is unclear because the installer has no disclaimer. Area 51 (2005), a first person shooter by Midway Games. Its free release was sponsored by the US Air Force. It later changed hands and its freeware status was removed.