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  2. Public Hunting in Texas & Access to TPWD Lands


    Find a place to hunt on over 1 million acres of publicly accessible land located throughout Texas. Hunt areas include property owned by TPWD, acreage leased by the department from other state and federal agencies, forest products industries, and other cooperating private landowners.

  3. Annual Public Hunting Permit/Walk-in Hunts:Public Hunting in...


    Public Hunting Lands Map Booklet. APH and LPU Permit holders receive a printed map booklet that lists available public hunting lands areas, facilities, maps, rules, and schedules. The Public Hunting Lands Map Booklet is also available for download above.

  4. What You Need to Know - Annual Public Hunting/Walk-In Hunts...


    The Annual Public Hunting permit and/or the Limited Public Use permit allows entry upon designated public hunting lands for hunting and other approved outdoor recreational activities. These designated public hunting lands are owned by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department or are leased by Texas Parks and Wildlife from private landowners.

  5. Search for an Area or Legal Game:Public Hunting in Texas


    Find public and leased land to hunt in Texas. Be sure to review the details of each area when planning your hunt. Some areas may only offer drawn, postcard, or youth hunts or may have specific dates when hunting is available for certain game.

  6. Frequently Asked Questions - Annual Public Hunting/Walk-In Hunts...


    Public hunting lands include property that TPWD owns or leases from various agencies, corporations and private landowners. Landowners retain full rights to use their property for forest products, agricultural crops, livestock grazing, mineral recovery, water supply and uses other than hunting on leased public hunting lands.

  7. Drawn Hunts - TPWD - Texas Parks & Wildlife Department


    2024-25 Drawn Hunts now available. The Texas Public Hunt Drawing System provides opportunities to apply for a wide variety of supervised, drawn hunts including special drawings for both adults and youth hunters on TPWD managed lands as well as specially leased properties.

  8. Public Hunting Lands 2024-2025 - Texas Parks & Wildlife...


    • Over 180 hunting areas, including wildlife management areas, state parks and approximately 115 dove and small game areas leased from private landowners • Youth Only and Youth/Adult hunts for deer, waterfowl, dove, rabbit, squirrel and feral hogs

  9. Texas Outdoor Annual App - Texas Parks & Wildlife Department


    Find hunting season dates and bag limits for your county; See seasons and bag limits for all game animals; Review means and methods restrictions; Find public hunting lands; Apply for drawn hunts for mule deer, bighorn and other game; Read the latest hunting news from TPWD*

  10. N Ray Roberts PHL - Texas Parks & Wildlife Department


    Hunting is allowed each day of the Early Teal, Waterfowl, and Goose seasons for Cooke, Denton, and Grayson Counties (including any special conservation season). Squirrels, Rabbits, Hares, and Frogs: No closed season. Snipe and Gallinules: Corresponds to statewide seasons for these species. Fishing: No APH or LPU permit is required to fish.

  11. Big Time Texas Hunts - TPWD


    Experience a challenging Nilgai hunt in south Texas and bring along a hunting friend. More