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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. System Alert: LRTA is Expanding Bus Service Systemwide! Lowell Regional Transit Authority Fixed Route (978) 452 6161 Road Runner ADA Paratransit (978) 459 0152

  3. System Alert: The LRTA Announces A Temporary Fare Free Pilot Program Commencing December 1, 2024

  4. System Alert: LRTA is Expanding Bus Service Systemwide! Lowell Regional Transit Authority Fixed Route (978) 452 6161 Road Runner ADA Paratransit (978) 459 0152

  5. System Alert: LRTA is Expanding Bus Service Systemwide! Lowell Regional Transit Authority Fixed Route (978) 452 6161 Road Runner ADA Paratransit (978) 459 0152

  6. The LRTA Road Runner Senior Service is an origin to destination Paratransit service available to residents within the LRTA service area and who are 60 years of age or more. All of the Road Runner services are shared ride services intended to safely and efficiently transport as many passengers at a time as possible.

  7. The LRTA is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts funded by the Federal and State Government, local assessments, as well as generated income from farebox, parking and advertising revenues.

  8. A map of LRTA facilities at 115 Thorndike Street. Includes Gallagher and Rourke parking garages, LRTA Lobby and Road Runner Office, Robert B. Kennedy Transfer Center, and MBTA Commuter Rail Lowell Station.

  9. Downtown Shuttle Outbound Weekday – Lowell Regional Transit...


    System Alert: The LRTA Announces A Temporary Fare Free Pilot Program Commencing December 1, 2024

  10. LRTA Bus Schedules-113


    RENEW YOUR LRTA MONTHLY PASSES You must be issued a Reloadable CharlieCard before you can purchase any LRTA Monthly Passes at these locations: LRTA GALLAGHER TERMINAL (115 Thorndike Street, Lowell) A lLRT M on thyP asecb pur d 5 days of each month until the 18th day of the following month at the following locations: TICKET VENDING MACHINE ...



    LRTA MODIFIED MONDAY- FRIDAY SCHEDULE ★ ROUTES 1 & 8 ARE COMBINED INTO ONE ROUTE ★★ ROUTES 3 & 4 ARE COMBINED INTO ONE ROUTE ★★★ ROUTES 6 & 9 ARE COMBINED INTO ONE ROUTE 1 Starts at Andover St./Ends at River Rd. 2 Starts at High St./Ends at Wentworth Ave. 3 Starts at Stevens St./Ends at Technology Drive Lowell