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  2. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Inland Online Pakistani applicants can apply for renewal of their Passports only. Temporarily Passports of Inland Pakistani Applicants will be delivered to their selected Passport Office.

  3. e-Services - DGI&P


    Applicants will be kept informed about the current status of their passport applications through their registered email addresses.

  4. Pakistan Passport - DGI&P


    Provide your valid cell no. / email id at Data Entry Stage, during passport applying process, to receive passport status via email / SMS from 9988

  5. Passport Application Process - DGI&P


    There are two types of Passport Application Process: Apply Online Passport Renewal for (Inland & Overseas Pakistanis) or Minor Modifications / New Passport for New Borns, for Overseas Pakistanis; Apply at Regional Passport Office / Pakistan Mission Abroad for New / Renewal / Modification Cases

  6. News & Updates - DGI&P


    SMS based Passport Tracking Intimation System. 31 May 2021 Note: All citizens are requested to provide their correct cell number at Data Entry stage during passport processing, so that your passport application status can be shared on your cell number through SMS code 9988.

  7. Welcome - DGI&P


    Passport Status Intimation (via Sms/Email Rabta Service ) Provide your valid cell no. / email id at Data Entry Stage, during passport applying process, to receive passport status via email / SMS from 9988

  8. Login to your E-PASSPORT account - DGI&P


    e-passport is cross browser compatible. however, for optimal experience recommended browser is google chrome.

  9. Contact Us | Online-Passport - DGI&P


    Directorate General of Immigration & Passports Headquarters, Mauve Area, G-8/1, Islamabad, Pakistan.

  10. Renew your Passport | Online-Passport - DGI&P


    Once you have registered and prepared with you the photograph and supporting documents, you are ready to apply online for your machine readable passport. Create an application for passport and provide details of your application.

  11. General Requirements for Passport - DGI&P


    For acquiring a Passport for the first time or for its renewal, modification etc. in Pakistan the applicant has to go through the process mentioned in Steps at Passport Office however applicants living abroad may renew their passport through the Online portal.