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The more things change, the more they stay the same; The only disability in life is a bad attitude – Scott Hamilton; The only way to understand a woman is to love her; The old wooden spoon beats me down; The only way to find a friend is to be one; The pen is mightier than the sword; The pot calling the kettle black
One copy of the Teachings of Ahiqar, dating to about 500 BCE, states, "The word is mightier than the sword." [10] According to the website Trivia Library, [12] the book The People's Almanac [11] provides another very early example from Greek playwright Euripides, who died c. 406 BCE. He is supposed to have written: "The tongue is mightier than ...
Because you loved. The more you loved, the less time you had to deliberate upon whether or not you were in the right; your love had only one desire, that you might continually be in the wrong. So also in your relationship with God. You loved God, and therefore your soul could find rest and joy only in this, that you might always be in the wrong.
Omnipotence, they say, does not mean that God can do anything at all but, rather, that he can do anything that is logically possible; he cannot, for instance, make a square circle. Likewise, God cannot make a being greater than himself, because he is, by definition, the greatest possible being. God is limited in his actions to his nature.
The rule whereby a spouse cannot by deed inter vivos or bequeath by testament to his or her second spouse more than the amount of the smallest portion given or bequeathed to any child. lex in casu: law in the event: A law that only concerns one particular case. See law of the case. lex lata: the law that has been borne: The law as it is. lex loci
75. “A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.” – Carl Sandburg 76. “You have to love your children unselfishly. That is hard.
One opponent to White during her lifetime was the "Marion Party" in the 1860s, led by B. F. Snook and W. H. Brinkerhoff, which split from the church in 1866. In the same year, they published the first book critical of White's prophetic ministry – The Visions of E. G. White, Not of God. [46]
[15] God exhausts what it means to be God and, in principle, there cannot be more than one God. [2] Divine simplicity is fundamentally about God's attributes: his nature or essence. The doctrine does not state that God cannot have the "property" of creating a universe. [2] [14]