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  2. The Islamic State (Terrorist Organization) | RAND


    ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), also known as ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), is a Sunni jihadist group with a particularly violent ideology that calls itself a caliphate and claims religious authority over all Muslims. It was inspired by al Qaida but later publicly expelled from it. RAND terrorism experts have analyzed the group's financing, management, and organization ...

  3. What Life Under ISIS Looked Like from Space | RAND


    What Life Under ISIS Looked Like from Space. A sandstorm swept through the besieged Iraqi city of Ramadi on the day it fell to the Islamic State. In the murk and confusion, suicide car bombs raced into the city center and leveled entire blocks. By the afternoon, the black flag of ISIS flew from the government headquarters.

  4. ISIS's Use of Social Media Still Poses a Threat to Stability in...


    The use of social media by ISIS and other militant groups in Africa, such as al-Shabaab and Boko Haram, corresponds with increased internet access, penetration and literacy. Africa is the world's fastest growing mobile phone market, with the number of subscribers in 2000 rising from 10 million to 647 million in 2011.

  5. How Salafism's Rise Threatens Gaza | RAND - RAND Corporation


    The suicide attacker is widely suspected of being a member of a Palestinian Salafi group with links to the Islamic State (or ISIS). The rise of hardline Salafism —a branch of Islam that embraces a literalist interpretation of the Koran and advocates the restoration of a so-called global caliphate—is a worrisome trend in Gaza.

  6. The Role of U.S. Airpower in Defeating ISIS | RAND


    Research Summary Published Feb 12, 2021. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) charged onto the scene in June 2014 by conquering large parts of Iraq and Syria and easily defeating the U.S.-trained Iraqi military. Even though the survival of the Iraqi government appeared to be at stake, the United States was wary of another ground ...

  7. ISIS Is So Desperate It's Turning to the Drug Trade | RAND


    Second, the religious stance of ISIS offers a redemptive narrative for petty criminals to carry out terrorist attacks. Many ISIS recruits, particularly those from Europe, have relied on drug trafficking as a means of generating revenue at a low level in what Swedish terrorism expert Magnus Ranstorp has called “micro-financing the Caliphate ...

  8. Fighting the Islamic State on Social Media | RAND


    The RAND Corporation's recent report, “ Examining ISIS Support and Opposition Networks on Twitter ,” analyzed 10 months of Twitter data between July 2014 and May 2015. Using this data, we determined that, contrary to public perception, ISIL is not dominating the Twitter conversation. Counting pro-and anti-ISIL user accounts, ISIL opponents ...

  9. How Terrorist Groups Learn: Implications for al Qaeda | RAND


    Its experience fighting in Syria has expanded al Qaeda's contacts, and, given the proliferation of jihadist groups (PDF) worldwide—67 active groups as of 2019—there will be more opportunities for al Qaeda to work with like-minded terrorists from North Africa to Southeast Asia. The threat is compounded by globalization, with barriers to ...

  10. Oil, Extortion Still Paying Off for ISIS | RAND - RAND...


    Oil, Extortion Still Paying Off for ISIS. q&a. Oct 27, 2017. Iraqi security forces stand guard in an oil refinery, north of Baghdad, in Baiji, Iraq, October 16, 2015. Photo by Thaier Al-Sudani/Reuters. As ISIS loses territory across Syria and Iraq, its capacity to generate revenue has declined drastically. Nonetheless, ISIS continues to profit ...

  11. How ISIS Is Transforming | RAND - RAND Corporation


    How ISIS Is Transforming. This commentary originally appeared on Foreign Affairs on September 25, 2017. A little more than three years after the Islamic State (or ISIS) stormed onto the world stage by violently capturing large swaths of territory throughout Iraq and Syria, the campaign to counter the group has made significant progress.