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  2. Is it normal to bleed for 4 days after a pap smear? - HealthTap


    Seems a little long: Some women get vaginal bleeding after a pap smear but it usually only lasts for 1-2 days. If you have bleeding longer than that, call your doctor/np to let them know. Dr Ali and another doctor agreed

  3. Is it normal to bleed after a pap smear while pregnant?


    Yes: A small amount of bleeding is not unusual and is the result of normal changes that occur in the cervix with pregnancy that make it more susceptible to bleeding after a pap. Heavy bleeding with cramping is not normal and should be evaluated further.

  4. Is it normal to bleed for 4 days after a pap smear - HealthTap


    Mom is 64 yrs old and hit menopause 14 yrs ago. she has been bleeding for 3 days. her ultrasound is normal, waiting for pap smear test once bleeding subsides. how serious is this? what could be the potential causes and next steps?

  5. heavy bleeding after pap smear - HealthTap


    Post Pap bleeding: At 34 there are many women who have chronic inflamm i had a pap smear 3 days ago the first day i had spotting but the next 2 i have been having heavy bleeding. i have pos should i be concerned?:

  6. Minor bleeding and discharge after pap smear, is this normal?


    2) normal PAP smear results means no HPV? 1st time having brown discharge/light bleeding after sex. It was also painful. 2mths ago PAP smear result was normal. What test do i need? What might be the other problem if you are experiencing mild bleeding and dark brown odorless discharges, urinalysis is negative, pap smear negative?

  7. Post menopause. bleeding after pap smear. normal or not?


    Pap smear bleeding: After menopause, the decreased estrogen makes the mucosa of the cervical area and the lining of the cervix much more delicate and apt to bleed on contact. Pap smears are sometimes the cause of this kind of bleeding. It should stop within a day or so. If it continues, see your provider.

  8. bleeding after pap smear went to the bathroom to urinate after...


    When I strain in the bathroom I am bleeding vaginally. Had abnormal pap in nov. but no cancerous cells. What could cause this? Normal pap 2 yrs ago, on BC pills for 10. Sometimes bleed after sex, now lately have small clots and burning sensation too after urination. Pls help. I got a pap smear done this past Tuesday and I'm still bleeding.

  9. cramps after pap smear - HealthTap


    Bleeding after pap: Get in touch with the doctor or clinic where the p i had a pap smear on friday and i started bleeding on saturday afternoon and i am still bleeding. no cramps.: What We Treat

  10. bleeding cervix during pap smear - HealthTap


    What could cause bleeding each time during/after sex? had pap smear and pelvic exam and all came back normal. no stds, no hpv, cervix looked fine, no infectionsand also no issues with lubrication? A doctor has provided 1 answer

  11. bleeding after a pap smear - HealthTap


    Pap smear bleeding: After menopause, the decreased estrogen makes the . post menopause. bleeding after pap ...