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Fishing report compiled by California Outdoors Hall of Fame member Dave Hurley and edited by Roger George, who guides in the greater Fresno area and holds the striper record at Millerton Lake.
Central California fishing report, Sept. 11-17: Delta bass and stripers biting, New Melones catfish trout and kokanee are hitting and Wishon trout producing limits. Roger George and Dave Hurley ...
Rankings key below: 4: Fish are jumping in the boat. 3: Good fishing. 2: Decent fishing. 1: Poor fishing. 0: Don’t bother. Unless noted, area code is 559. Valley/Westside waterways. Striper 2 ...
Delta stripers, bass and sturgeon all bending rods. Wishon rainbows are hitting and the Pine Flat king salmon and bass bites are solid. Central California fishing report: Delta stripers, bass and ...
Delta stripers on the move. Eastman bass a good bet and Don Pedro trout and bass hitting.
Call: John Liechty, Xperience Fishing Guide Service (209) 743-9932; Kyle Wise, Headhunter Guide Service (209) 531-3966; Alex Niapas, Catching California Guide Service (209) 728-4225; Monte Smith ...
Central California fishing report, July 24-30: Delta bass get top billing, kokanee limits are still possible at Don Pedro and the Bass Lake rainbows are big and hungry. Roger George and Dave ...
New Melones catfish active. McClure bass bite improved. Pine Flat King salmon and catfish biting.