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The lace monitor (Varanus varius), also known as the tree goanna, is a member of the monitor lizard family native to eastern Australia. A large lizard, it can reach 2 metres (6.6 ft) in total length and 14 kilograms (31 lb) in weight.
The lace monitor is the second-largest of all goannas, reaching lengths up to 2 m (6.6 ft). Other more common tree goannas, such as the Timor tree monitor ( V. timorensis ) and mournful tree monitor ( V. tristis ,) do not grow to quite such lengths, typically a maximum of 61 cm, nose-to-tail.
Yellow-spotted monitor (left), lace monitor (right) This ground dwelling monitor species, somewhat resembles the widespread sand goanna (Varanus gouldii).Large, dark spots appear in rows along its back, becoming especially distinct at the center of the back where they are interspersed with smaller and paler spots.
Varanoidea is a superfamily of lizards, including the well-known family Varanidae (the monitors and goannas). Also included in the Varanoidea are the Lanthanotidae (earless monitor lizards), and the extinct Palaeovaranidae. Throughout their long evolutionary history, varanoids have exhibited great diversity, both in habitat and form.
Spencer's goanna has unusual defensive behaviour, where it feigns death when threatened; the body is flattened against the ground, one hind limb is extended while all other limbs held close to the body, and the tail is contorted into a wavy shape. The head is kept up to observe the threat, feigning death until the threat has left the area.
Early birds may catch the worm - but it's the early volunteers who catch the birds. And the ones that get caught in the 18-metre long, fine-mist nets strung high across a reed bed at Killycolpy ...
Bites on the hand by Komodo dragons (V. komodensis), perenties (V. giganteus), lace monitors (V. varius), and spotted tree monitors (V. scalaris) have been observed to cause swelling within minutes, localised disruption of blood clotting, and shooting pain up to the elbow, which can often last for several hours.
Eromanga, Queensland. A species of Varanus, lizards known as monitors and goannas, that is found in a variety of habitat.Due to the taxonomic uncertainty during the twentieth century the species form and behaviour has included taxa later recognised as distinct species, this includes V. rosenbergi, formerly treated as a subspecies and later elevated, and V. panoptes, described as a new species ...