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  2. German CEO Behind Kendi and DiAngelo Funds Critical Race Theory...


    German CEO Behind Kendi and DiAngelo Funds Critical Race Theory Push Into Schools The world’s largest publisher goes to war against American parents. By Daniel Greenfield. Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

  3. The Only Ones Banning Books are Critical Race Theorists


    The worst offenders are the proponents of critical race theory, now suddenly crying about censorship, when they had been urging schools, publishers, and readers to stop buying, publishing, and displaying books by white men in the name of racial and gender equity.

  4. Educated Idiots, Critical Race Theory, and Other Bad Ideas


    Critical Race Theory, once the province of university cranks and law-school activists, is roiling our politics, corporations, and schools. The idea that “systemic racism” and endemic white “racism” permeate our economic, educational, and political institutions is based on a crude interpretation of disparate impact statistics.

  5. The Odious Campaign to Sexualize Children in Public Schools


    The current debate about critical race theory (CRT) being promoted in public schools by diversocrats and educators intent on indoctrinating students with one particular view of race revealed one important thing: that teachers, and the powerful unions which represent them, feel it is their right and obligation to inculcate students with a ...

  6. The Day Your Doctor Won’t Treat You if You Aren’t the Right Kind...


    Do No Harm states that “the same radical movement behind ‘Critical Race Theoryin the classroom and ‘Defund the Police’ is coming after healthcare, but hardly anyone knows it.” One of those who do is John Sailer, a fellow at the National Association of Scholars, who published a chilling article in The Tablet last Wednesday entitled ...

  7. Systemic Racism is a Conspiracy Theory Cult - Rapture Forums


    Author: admin. April 14, 2021. 7 min. read. Systemic Racism is a Conspiracy Theory Cult. A conspiracy theory that explains everything in the world as racism. By Daniel Greenfield. Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

  8. Critical Race Theory: It’s A Cancer, Not A Cure - Rapture Forums


    Dr. Carol Swain, the brilliant former (black) professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, offers a helpful definition of Critical Race Theory: “Critical race theory is an analytical framework to analyze institutions and culture. Its purpose is to divide the world into white oppressors and non-white victims.

  9. The Year of Living Stupidly - Rapture Forums


    A close second to Critical Race Theory in the stupidity sweepstakes is “Climate Change,” or more honestly, Anthropogenic Catastrophic Global Warming. In 2021 we saw the UN’s 26th “Conference of Parties,” the globalist confab about how to mitigate the alleged catastrophic warming threatening the planet.

  10. Biden’s Terror Strategy Defines Republicans as the New Terrorists


    That’s code for embedding critical race theory in schools to teach students that America is evil. It’s hard to think of anything more likely to encourage new recruits to ISIS and other terrorist causes than divisive racist materials that devalue our country and our common heritage.

  11. Suppressing and Punishing Speech to Fight ‘Racism’ in Public...


    School officials now apparently see themselves as social workers and therapists as well as teachers, and this role they have usurped is dangerous because it is motivated by the leftist ideology embodied in critical race theory and such terms as “white privilege,” notions that, instead of making children less race conscious, work to make ...