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An interval scheduling problem can be described by an intersection graph, where each vertex is an interval, and there is an edge between two vertices if and only if their intervals overlap. In this representation, the interval scheduling problem is equivalent to finding the maximum independent set in this intersection graph.
List comprehension is a syntactic construct available in some programming languages for creating a list based on existing lists. It follows the form of the mathematical set-builder notation (set comprehension) as distinct from the use of map and filter functions.
This data structure consists of two lists, one containing all the intervals sorted by their beginning points, and another containing all the intervals sorted by their ending points. The result is a binary tree with each node storing: A center point; A pointer to another node containing all intervals completely to the left of the center point
Conceptually, the merge sort algorithm consists of two steps: Recursively divide the list into sublists of (roughly) equal length, until each sublist contains only one element, or in the case of iterative (bottom up) merge sort, consider a list of n elements as n sub-lists of size 1. A list containing a single element is, by definition, sorted.
The classic merge outputs the data item with the lowest key at each step; given some sorted lists, it produces a sorted list containing all the elements in any of the input lists, and it does so in time proportional to the sum of the lengths of the input lists. Denote by A[1..p] and B[1..q] two arrays sorted in increasing order.
The two methods are also compared in Figure 3, created by Matlab simulation. The contours are lines of constant ratio of the times it takes to perform both methods. When the overlap-add method is faster, the ratio exceeds 1, and ratios as high as 3 are seen. Fig 3: Gain of the overlap-add method compared to a single, large circular convolution.
[A] The FIR filter is a boxcar lowpass with M=16 samples, the length of the segments is L=100 samples and the overlap is 15 samples. The concept is to compute short segments of y[n] of an arbitrary length L, and concatenate the segments together. That requires longer input segments that overlap the next input segment.
For example, to perform an element by element sum of two arrays, a and b to produce a third c, it is only necessary to write c = a + b In addition to support for vectorized arithmetic and relational operations, these languages also vectorize common mathematical functions such as sine.