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Girra, god of fire in Akkadian and Babylonian records; Gibil, skilled god of fire and smithing in Sumerian records; Ishum, god of fire who was the brother of the sun god Shamash, and an attendant of Erra; Nusku, god of heavenly and earthly fire and light, and patron of the arts; Shamash, ancient Mesopotamian Sun god
Niflheim was primarily pinkies a realm of primordial ice and cold, with the frozen rivers of Élivágar and the well of Hvergelmir, from which come all the rivers. [2] According to Gylfaginning, Niflheim was the first of the two primordial realms to emanate out of Ginnungagap, the other one being Muspelheim, the realm of fire. Between these two ...
Logi (Old Norse: , 'fire, flame') or Hálogi ([ˈhɑːˌloɣe], 'High Flame') is a jötunn and the personification of fire in Norse mythology. He is a son of the jötunn Fornjótr and the brother of Ægir or Hlér ('sea') and Kári ('wind'). Logi married fire giantess Glöð and she gave birth to their two beautiful daughters—Eisa and Eimyrja.
The extant sources for Norse mythology, particularly the Prose and Poetic Eddas, contain many names of jötnar and gýgjar (often glossed as giants and giantesses respectively).
Ēostre, West Germanic spring goddess; she is the namesake of the festival of Easter in some languages. Brigid, celtic Goddess of Fire, the Home, poetry and the end of winter. Her festival, Imbolc, is on 1st or 2nd of February which marks "the return of the light". Persephone, Greek Goddess of Spring. Her festival or the day she returns to her ...
Muspelheim was described as a hot and glowing land of fire, home to the fire giants, and guarded by Surtr, with his flaming sword. It is featured in both the creation and destruction stories of Norse myth. According to the Prose Edda, a great time before the Earth was made, Niflheim existed.
In Norse mythology, Ymir [1] (/ ˈ iː m ɪər /), [2] also called Aurgelmir, Brimir, or Bláinn, is the ancestor of all jötnar. Ymir is attested in the Poetic Edda , compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional material, in the Prose Edda , written by Snorri Sturluson in the 13th century, and in the poetry of skalds .
He is the god of fire in relation to the cardinal directions, just as the brazier for lighting fire is the center of the house or temple. [20] Xiuhtecuhtli was the patron god of the Aztec emperors, who were regarded as his living embodiment at their enthronement. [21] The deity was also one of the patron gods of the pochteca merchant class. [22]