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The Am guitar chord, short for A minor, is an essential chord every guitarist should know. Its warm, melancholic tone makes it incredibly versatile, appearing in genres ranging from classical and folk to pop and rock.
I'll show you the easiest way to play the Am chord in open position as well as a few ways to play the Am bar chord. We'll also get into popular chords that go with Am, popular songs that use the Am chord, and what notes are used to make up the chord.
A minor is the first chord in the key of A minor. The seven chords in the key of A minor are: Am, B diminished, C+, Dm, E, F, G# diminished; 10 Ways To Play The A Minor Chord. If you’ve come to this page just to view some chord diagrams for Am, here they are. Standard Am Chord Shape. The standard way to play the A minor chord is in the open ...
One of the first chords that usually appears on the beginner’s list is the Am chord, also known as the A minor chord. The reason for its ubiquitousness? Well, to start with it’s pretty easy to play, consisting of only three notes: A, C, and E.
Am chord guitar diagrams, chord charts and photos. Everything you need to know to play an A minor chord on your guitar. An Am guitar chord can be played either as an open chord or as a barre chord – examples of both are provided on this page.
Forming the Am chord is relatively easy, requiring only three fingers on the guitar fretboard. We’ll show you how to pull it off, plus, show you how to play it in a couple more ways. This chord produces a somber & melancholic sound, often used to convey emotions in songs.
Learn The Am Chord on Guitar with these tips for playing the shape, chord switching practice and easy songs containing the A minor chord!
The Am chord, also known as A minor, is one of the most commonly used chords in music. It is a relatively easy chord to play, but for those just starting, it may take some time to get used to. In this blog post, we will go through step by step how to play the A minor chord on the guitar.
In this article, I will show you the easiest ways of playing this chord on guitar, and give you some tips and tricks to make it work out as it should. After leaving this page you will have learned the must-know shapes of this triad, and also a lot about how it works in context with other chords.
The Am chord diagram shows you part of the neck of the guitar. The vertical lines from left to right are the low E, the A, the D, the G, the B and the high E (strings are counted from the bottom to the top, so the high E is the first string and the low E the sixth).