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The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Indonesian: Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional) (abbreviated PPN/Bappenas) is a ministry of the Republic of Indonesia that has the task to oversee government affairs in the field of national development planning to assist the President in organizing state ...
Aside from SOEs, there are also provincially- or municipally-owned corporations, locally known as Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD). The primary difference between BUMNs and BUMDs is the ownership of the enterprise, whereas BUMNs are controlled by the Ministry of State Owned Enterprise while BUMDs are directly controlled by the local government.
Dewan Perwakilan Daerah: Upper house of the legislature Judicial Supreme Court: Mahkamah Agung: Highest court of the land Constitutional Court: Mahkamah Konstitusi: Constitutional review of a law, among others Judicial Commission: Komisi Yudisial: Maintaining the independence and welfare of the judges Examinative Audit Board: Badan Pemeriksa ...
The Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (Indonesian: Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, lit. 'Food and Drug Supervisory Agency'), Badan POM/BPOM, or Indonesian FDA is a government agency of Indonesia responsible for protecting public health through the control and supervision of prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medication), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, dietary supplements ...
Development of disadvantaged regions programs was started under the Abdurrahman Wahid presidency. At that time, the post of Undersecretariat of Acceleration of Development in Eastern Indonesia Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesia: Menteri Muda Urusan Percepatan Pembangunan Kawasan Timur Indonesia Republik Indonesia) created by him through Presidential Decision No. 234/M/2000 on ...
The Ministry of Population and Family Development (Indonesian: Kementerian Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Keluarga/Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional, abbreviated as BKKBN, written as bkkbn, previously written as BkkbN) is a ministry that organizes government affairs in the field of population and family development and the National Population and Family Planning Board is a Non ...
The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (Indonesian: Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara, shortened as Kementerian BUMN) is an Indonesian government ministry that oversee the development of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia. The ministry is led by a Minister of State Owned Enterprises, who reports to the President. [1]
The Audit Board of Indonesia (Indonesian: Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan) is the high state body responsible for checking the management and accountability of state finances conducted by the central government, local government, other state institutions such as Bank Indonesia, state-and municipally-owned enterprises, Public Service Boards, and ...