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A strike of longer than one month could cause a shortage of items, experts said, but they also acknowledged that many holiday retail goods have already arrived stateside.
The port strike could primarily impact non-essential holiday items at Costco, especially those that are imported through the East and Gulf Coast ports now affected by the strike. Products like ...
With a strike deadline looming, the group representing East and Gulf Coast ports is asking a federal agency to make the Longshoremen's union come to the bargaining table to negotiate a new contract.
The Anderson Economic Group estimated that the U.S. economy would lose $2.1 billion from a one-week strike, $1.5 billion due to the loss in value or degradation of items such as perishable goods, $400 million for transportation company losses, and $200 million in lost wages for the striking port workers.
A port strike by longshoreman workers along the East and Gulf coasts would create economic chaos with far reaching impacts to businesses, consumers and even your kitchen table.
Food Emporium of Marlboro has been affected by the International Longshoremen’s Association strike. And they have seen shoppers begin to hoard even domestic products like paper goods ...
The first phase of the strike lasted until October 4, when President Nixon set up a Taft-Hartley Board of Inquiry. When the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) went on strike for four days, it was decided that Taft-Hartley must be invoked in order to avoid further damage to the economy. Ports reopened and the 80-day 'cooling-off ...
What products will be affected by the port strike More than 75% of U.S. bananas arrive at ports handled by the International Longshoremen's Association, or ILA, according to the farm bureau.