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  2. Home Page - Eastland County


    The Texas Workforce Commission ("TWC") is the entity responsible for enforcing the Fair Housing Act in the State of Texas. You have one year after an alleged violation to file a complaint, but you should file it as soon as possible. Go to https://www.tdhca.state.tx.us/fair-housing/complaint-how-to.htm to file a complaint.

  3. Eastland County, Texas


    The County Clerk is the clerk for the county courts, including probate courts, and the commissioners court. The clerk is also the recorder for the county (Tex. Const. Art. V, Sec. 20). All instruments filed for record are done so in the clerk's office.

  4. Tax Assessor-Collector - Eastland County


    Eastland, Texas 76448 Phone: (254) 629-1564 or (254) 629-2211 Email: tax@eastlandcountytexas.com Email: auto@eastlandcountytexas.com

  5. Eastland County, Texas


    Provided by the Texas Association of Counties Duties & Responsibilities of County Officials

  6. Eastland County, Texas


    The 91st Judicial District Court is one of approximately 400 separate state district courts in Texas. Each district is identified by a separate number, and each has its own geographical jurisdiction. Each district court has one judge.

  7. Eastland County, Texas


    Eastland County Judge David Hullum 100 W. Main, Suite 203 Eastland, Texas 76448 Phone: (254) 629-1263 or 6076 Fax: (254) 629-6090 email: ecjudge@eastlandcountytexas.com. Judge Hullum presides over Eastland's Constitutional County Court.

  8. Eastland County, Texas


    County Treasurer Christina Dodrill Serving since 2007. 100 W. Main, Suite 103 Eastland, Texas 76448 Phone: (254) 629-2672

  9. Elections - Eastland County


    Eastland County Elections 100 W Main St Suite 104 Eastland, Tx 76448. English Voter Registration Application. Spanish Voter Registration Application

  10. Eastland County, Texas


    The Texas VINE system is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or Internet to search for information regarding the custody status of their offender and to register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when the offender's custody status changes.

  11. Justices of the Peace - Eastland County


    Justice Court - Justice Court is a formal court setting, governed by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules of Evidence and other rules as they apply. Justice court is governed by Chapter 27 of the Government Code.