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  2. A small estate affidavit is a court document allowing beneficiaries to bypass the probate process after someone's death. Commonly for estates of lesser value, it allows the family members of someone who died intestate (without a will) to distribute any remaining assets without a court order.

  3. Free Florida Small Estate Affidavit - PDF - eForms


    A Florida small estate affidavit is used by beneficiaries looking to claim, with few court proceedings, the assets of a person who has died. Create Document PDF

  4. Louisiana Small Estate Affidavit | Affidavit of Small Succession...


    A Louisiana small estate affidavit is a legal document that can be used by the surviving spouse and the adult heirs of a deceased person to transfer assets and properties that are valued at less than $125,000. It allows the successors to bypass the probate process, expediting the collection and distribution of assets.

  5. Free Indiana Small Estate Affidavit | Form 49284 - PDF – eForms


    An Indiana small estate affidavit allows a successor access to the assets of a person who has died and left behind an estate worth less than $100,000. The affidavit cannot be filed before 45 days after the date of death and must be signed in front of a notary public.

  6. Free Tennessee Small Estate Affidavit - PDF - eForms


    A Tennessee small estate affidavit is a petition for a small estate's administration in the county where the deceased individual resided. This process avoids the lengthy and expensive probate procedure for estates valued at less than $50,000.

  7. Free Virginia Small Estate Affidavit Form - PDF – eForms


    A Virginia small estate affidavit may expedite a probate process for an estate worth less than $50,000 (excluding real estate). The form may not be used until at least 60 days have passed since the decedent's death date.

  8. Free California Small Estate Affidavit (Affidavit for ... -...


    A California small estate affidavit is used by the rightful heirs to an estate to bypass probate and collect property. The total net value of the estate cannot be more than $184,500 to qualify as a small estate and thus bypass probate.

  9. Free Alabama Small Estate Affidavit Form - PDF | Word – eForms


    An Alabama small estate affidavit allows heirs of an estate to distribute its assets and bypass the probate process. It is commonly called a "petition for summary distribution," and is only available for estates with a total value smaller than the state-imposed minimum ($34,611), which is linked to inflation and changes each year.

  10. Free Mississippi Small Estate Affidavit - PDF - eForms


    A Mississippi small estate affidavit presents a claim on an estate by an heir or beneficiary. This process helps claimants avoid probate court in Mississippi but can only be utilized if the estate is worth no more than $75,000.

  11. Free Iowa Small Estate Affidavit Form | Affidavit for...


    An Iowa small estate affidavit can be used to bypass the probate process if the value of the assets left by a decedent is less than $50,000. The affidavit allows an heir or beneficiary to collect and distribute a "small estate" easily and efficiently.