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Translated into Latin from Baudelaire's L'art pour l'art. Motto of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. While symmetrical for the logo of MGM, the better word order in Latin is "Ars artis gratia". ars longa, vita brevis: art is long, life is short: Seneca, De Brevitate Vitae, 1.1, translating a phrase of Hippocrates that is often used out of context. The "art ...
with other things the same More commonly rendered in English as "All other things being equal." / ˌ s ɛ t ər ɪ s ˈ p ær ɪ b ə s / compos mentis: having command of mind Of sound mind. Also used in the negative "Non compos mentis", meaning "Not of sound mind". / ˈ k ɒ m p ɒ s ˈ m ɛ n t ɪ s / condicio sine qua non: A condition ...
knowledge is the adornment and protection of the Empire: Motto of Imperial College London: scientia ipsa potentia est: knowledge itself is power: Stated originally by Sir Francis Bacon in Meditationes Sacrae (1597), which in modern times is often paraphrased as scientia est potestas or scientia potentia est (knowledge is power). scientia, labor ...
This is a list of Wikipedia articles of Latin phrases and their translation into English. To view all phrases on a single, lengthy document, see: List of Latin phrases (full) The list is also divided alphabetically into twenty pages:
The wood of the cross is the tree of knowledge: School motto of Denstone College: littera scripta manet: The written word endures: Attributed to Horace: loco citato (lc) in the place cited: More fully written in loco citato; see also opere citato: locum tenens: place holder
Goods without an owner. Used for things or beings which belong to nobody and are up for grabs, e.g., uninhabited and uncolonized lands, wandering wild animals, etc. (cf. terra nullius, "no man's land"). res publica: Pertaining to the state or public: source of the word republic: respice adspice prospice: look behind, look here, look ahead
greater things are pressing: Used to indicate that it is the moment to address more important, urgent, issues. mala fide: in bad faith: Said of an act done with knowledge of its illegality, or with intention to defraud or mislead someone. Opposite of bona fide. Mala Ipsa Nova: Bad News Itself: Motto of the inactive 495th Fighter Squadron, US ...
words are to be understood such that the subject matter may be more effective than wasted: I. e., when explaining a subject, it is important to clarify rather than confuse. verba vana aut risui non loqui: not to speak words in vain or to start laughter: A Roman Catholic religious precept, being Rule 56 of the Rule of Saint Benedict.