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A person responsible for providing various kinds of administrative assistance is called an administrative assistant (admin assistant) or sometimes an administrative support specialist. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] In most instances it is identical to the modern iteration of the position of secretary or is a sub-specialty of secretarial duties.
Becoming a personal assistant requires the employee to have experience in previous administrative jobs, which entails the use of computers and information systems. Like any other role that is related to an office administrator, the job title of personal assistant requires the employee to be organized, show professionalism and have an ability to ...
The degree is designed to give a broad knowledge of the functional aspects of a company and their interconnection, while also allowing for specialization in a particular area. The degree also develops the student's practical, managerial and communication skills, and business decision-making capability to succeed in the competitive world. [10]
In automotive electronics, body control module or 'body computer' is a generic term for an electronic control unit responsible for monitoring and controlling various electronic accessories in a vehicle's body.
Automotive SPICE is a maturity model adapted for the automotive industry. It assesses the maturity of development processes for electronic and software-based systems (e.g., ECUs). It is based on an initiative of the Special Interest Group Automotive and the Quality Management Center (QMC) in the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA).
Dana Incorporated is an American supplier of axles, driveshafts, and electrodynamic, thermal, sealing, and digital equipment for conventional, hybrid, and electric-powered vehicles.
The former is known as top dead centre (TDC) while the latter is known as bottom dead centre (BDC). [1] Position of pistons. More generally, the dead centre is any position of a crank where the applied force is straight along its axis, meaning no turning force can be applied.
The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC; French: Banque de développement du Canada) is a Crown corporation and national development bank wholly owned by the Government of Canada, mandated to help create and develop Canadian businesses through financing, growth and transition capital, venture capital and advisory services, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises.
related to: automotive bdc job description sample administrative assistant skills