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The 10-year contract covers work at the Hanford site tank farms, where 56 million gallons of radioactive waste are stored in underground tanks, and operation of the vitrification plant to treat ...
A 120-day contract transition starts Monday, Oct. 21, to Hanford Tank Waste Operations & Closure, or H2C, Hanford workers were told in DOE and contractor messages Tuesday.
The 10-year contract covers work at the Hanford site tank farms, where 56 million gallons of radioactive waste are stored in underground tanks, and operation of the vitrification plant to treat ...
In April, DOE awarded a $45 billion contract with some work that could extend for 15 years to Hanford Tank Waste Operations and Closure, called, H2C, which is a joint venture of BWXT Technical ...
In May 2020, DOE awarded a 10 year, $13 billion contract to manage Hanford tank waste to a team headed by BWXT and Fluor with primary subcontractors Intera and DBD. It did not include the ...
In May 2020, DOE awarded a 10-year, $13 billion contract to manage Hanford tank waste to a team headed by BWXT and Fluor with primary subcontractors Intera and DBD. It did not include the ...
Highlights include starting treatment of the Hanford site tank waste for disposal on the current schedule of 2025 for the least-radioactive waste and 2033 for the high-level radioactive waste.
The challenge has been sealed by the court.