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The mission of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging is to promote independence, purpose and well-being in the lives of older adults through advocacy, service and protection. Find Your Local Area Agency on Aging
The Department of Aging HCBS manual required updates to provide local AAA and service providers with information regarding departmental policies, procedures and processes.
• Pennsylvania expressly values older adults and adults with disabilities and is committed to building and maintaining an age and disability-friendly Commonwealth so that all Pennsylvanians may live with dignity and independence. • Pennsylvania is ranked fifth among the fifty states by the sheer size of its older adult
Moved Permanently. The document has moved here.
Aging has prepared APD #10-01-04 Amendment #1, "Area Agency on Aging (MA) Program Requirements, Planning Allocations and Aging Services Block Grant Format for FY 2010-11".
The Department of Aging (PDA) has reviewed the HIPAA privacy requirements in regard to programs it solely administers and programs it supports at the Area Agency on Aging level through grants and allocations.
Pennsylvania Department of Aging PURPOSE: The purpose of this Aging Program Directive (APD) is to set forth the procedures for the submission of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2011-12 Title XIX Agreement and any associated updates; transmit the FY 2011-12 funding levels for each Area Agency on Aging (AAA); and issue the monthly reporting
The Pennsylvania Caregiver Support Program helps people who take care of others. It offers resources and assistance to support caregivers and help them maintain a healthy, ongoing relationship with the person they are caring for.
5. What prompted your interest in the Council on Aging? 6. In order to help the staff prepare you for your role as a member of the Council on Aging, please check your level of knowledge in the following areas: Knowledgeable Somewhat Knowledgeable Unfamiliar PA Department of Aging Programs & Services for Older Pennsylvanians State Plan on Aging
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Aging Program Directive (APD) is to set forth the funding source that must be used to pay for the transportation costs for medical trips of older Medical Assistance eligible Pennsylvanians.