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  2. Vocational Rehabilitation Program - Texas Workforce Commission


    Our program helps people with disabilities get ready for, find, or keep a job. We help adults with disabilities of all ages. We also help young students with disabilities prepare for life after school. The program also assists businesses in hiring and supporting employees with disabilities.

  3. VR Office Lookup - Texas Workforce Commission


    For assistance in locating a VR office for vocational rehabilitation services, please email vr.office.locator@twc.texas.gov or call (512) 936-6400 to be connected to VR staff. For best results, please enter only the zip code or a county or the Workforce Board Area.

  4. Vocational Rehabilitation - Adults - Texas Workforce Commission


    The Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services offers help to individuals with disabilities who want to work. This page is specific to adults. The page has steps to apply for services.

  5. Find Disability Employment Services - Texas Workforce Commission


    Vocational Rehabilitation Services can help if you have any kind of disability and are seeking employment. Whether your disability is physical, such as a mobility challenge or is not visible, such as a mental health condition or learning disability, you may be eligible for services.

  6. Blind and Visually Impaired | Texas Health and Human Services


    Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) works with people who are blind and visually impaired to help them reach their independence goals. What Services Can I Get? The Blind Children’s Vocational Discovery and Development Program works with each child and family to create an individualized family service plan tailored to meet the child's needs.

  7. Vocational Rehabilitation Services can prepare students with disabilities for post-secondary education and employment opportunities. Hiring employees in Southeast Texas? Let us help with talent acquisition, funding for training, human resource planning tools, and other business resources.

  8. Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services...


    Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS) provides a variety of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services that assist eligible people with disabilities in preparing for, obtaining, retaining or advancing in competitive integrated employment.

  9. Students in the Vocational Rehab Program receive core services, including: The Student HireAbility Navigator focuses exclusively on services for students with disabilities who are in the early phases of preparing for transition to post-secondary education and employment.

  10. Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults | Workforce Solutions...


    We offer a wide range of vocational rehabilitation services to help adults overcome barriers to employment. Some of our services include: Vocational Counseling: Our vocational counselors work with you to assess your skills, interests, and abilities and develop a plan to achieve your career goals.

  11. Texas Rehabilitation Commission - TSHA


    The Texas Commission for Rehabilitation was established as a separate state agency in 1969 and was soon renamed the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. In addition to vocational training, the commission provided counseling, financial assistance, and job placement.