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Several restaurants this week, including a popular ITB brewery, had pink and black residue build-up in their ice and drink machines. Bugs and handwashing violations: This week’s Triangle ...
You can search all restaurant inspections in Wake County by using the county’s inspection grades database at Durham County sanitation scores
The Wake County sanitation grades database shows that at least 100 restaurant inspections were completed June 14-20. Most restaurants received an A grade, or a score of at least 90%.
The Wake County sanitation grades database shows that 40 restaurant inspections were completed Oct. 11-17. Most restaurants received an A grade, or a score of at least 90%.
The Wake County sanitation grades database shows that 86 restaurant inspections were completed March 13-19. Most restaurants received an A grade, or a score of at least 90%.
The Wake County sanitation grades database shows that 37 restaurant inspections were completed Dec. 28 to Jan 2. Most restaurants received an A grade, or a score of at least 90%.
Also this week, a grocery store deli gets a ‘B’ grade. ‘Small roaches on knives’ in a Triangle restaurant: Sanitation scores (Nov. 21) Skip to main content
The Wake County sanitation grades database shows that 58 restaurant inspections were completed April 3-9. Most restaurants received an A grade, or a score of at least 90%.